THE WORLD'S 100 GREATEST PLACES of 2021, by TIME, Aug 6/9, 2021


28 Jul 2021

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118 visits

THE WORLD'S 100 GREATEST PLACES of 2021, by TIME, Aug 6/9, 2021

LUSOFONIA reached a high classification with five places on the top list # Coimbra, Portugal (Fresh claims to fame) # Arouca, Portugal (Bridging the gap) # Benguerra Island, Mozambique (Supercharged eco-luxury) # Chimanimani National Park, Mozambique (Doubling down on conservation) # São Vicente, Cape Verde (music on the air) (press z to see in the lightbox)

10 Mar 2022

9 favorites


99 visits

Nereid Lake

pay attention to the beauty of the first plan water nymph with half body out of the water (press z to see in the lightbox)