Dante Alighiere, PURGATORIO, Canto I

Purgatory / Purgatório

18 Feb 2009

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Dante Alighiere, PURGATORIO, Canto I

Illustration by Salvador Dali ................................................. The Poet describes the delight he experienced at issuing a little before dawn from the infernal regions, into the pure air that surrounds the isle of purgatory; and then relates how, turning to the right, he beheld four stars never seen before but by our first parents, and met on his left the shade of Cato of Utica, who, having warned him and Virgil what is needful to be done before they proceed on their way through purgatory; disappears; and the two Poets go towards the shore, where Virgil cleanses Dante's face with the dew; and girds him with a reed, as Cato had commanded.

18 Feb 2009

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Dante Alighiere, PURGATORIO, Canto II

Illustration by Salvador Dali ................................................. They behold a vessel under conduct of an angel, coming over the waves with spirits to purgatory, among whom, when the passengers have landed, Dante recognises his friend Casella; but, while they are entertained by him with a song, they hear Cato exclaiming against their negligent loitering, and at that rebuke hasten forwards to the mountain.

18 Feb 2009

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Dante Alighiere, PURGATORIO, Canto III

Illustration by Salvador Dali ................................................. Our Poet, perceiving no shadow except that cast by his own body, is fearful that Virgil has deserted him; but he is freed from that error, and both arrive together at the foot of the mountain: on finding it to steep to climb, thay inquire the way from a troop of spirits that are coming towards them, and are by them shown which is the easiest ascent. Manfredi, King of Naples, who is one of these spirits, bids Dante inform his daughter Constanza, Queen of Arragon, of the manner in which he had died.

18 Feb 2009

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Dante Alighiere, PURGATORIO, Canto IV

Illustration by Salvador Dali ................................................. Dante and Virgil ascend the mountain of purgatory, by a steep and narrow path pent in on each side by rock, until they reach a part of it that opens into a ledge or cornice. There seating themselves, and turning to the east, Dante wonders at seeing the sun on their left, the cause of which is explained to him by Virgil; and while they continue their discourse, a voice addresses them, at which they turn, and find several spirits behind the rock, and amongst the rest one named Belacqua, who had been known to our Poet on earth, and who tells that he is doomed to linger there on account of his having delayed his repentance to the last.

18 Feb 2009

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Dante Alighiere, PURGATORIO, Canto V

Illustration by Salvador Dali ................................................. They meet with others, who had deferred their repentance till they were overtaken by a violent death, when sufficient space being allowed them, they were then saved; and amongst these, Giacopo del Cassero, Buonconte da Montefeltro, and Pia, a lady of Sienna.

06 Mar 2009

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Dante Alighiere, PURGATORIO, Canto VI

Illustration by Salvador Dali ................................................. Many besides, who are in like case with those spoken of in the last canto, beseech our Poet to obtain for them the prayers of their friends, when he shall be returned to this world. This moves him to express a doubt to his guide, how the dead can be profited by the prayers of the living; for the solution of which doubt he is referred to Beatrice. Afterwards he meets with Sordello the Mantuan, whose affection, shown to Virgil his countryman, leads Dante to break forth into an invective against the unnatural divisions with which Italy, and more especially Florence, was distracted.

06 Mar 2009

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Dante Alighiere, PURGATORIO, Canto VII

Illustration by Salvador Dali ................................................. The approach of night hindering further ascent, Sordello conducts our Poet apart to an eminence, from whence they behold a pleasant recess, in form of a flowery valley, scooped out of the mountain; where are many famous spirits, and among them the Emperor Rodolph, Ottocar, King of Bohemia, Philip III of France, Henry of Navarre, Peter III of Arragon, Charles I of Naples, Henry III of England, and William, Marquis of Montferrat.

06 Mar 2009

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Dante Alighiere, PURGATORIO, Canto VIII

Illustration by Salvador Dali ................................................. Two angels, with flaming swords broken at the point, descend to keep watch over the valley, into which Virgil and Dante entering by desire of Sordello, our Poet meets with joy the spirit of Nino, the judge of Gallura, one who was well known to him. Meantime three exceedingly bright stars appear near the pole, and a serpent creeps subtly into the valley, but flees at hearing the approach of those angelic guards. Lastly, Conrad Malaspina predicts to our Poet his future banishment.

06 Mar 2009

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Dante Alighiere, PURGATORIO, Canto IX

Illustration by Salvador Dali ................................................. Dante is carried up the mountain, asleep and dreaming, by Lucia; and, on wakening, finds himself, two hours after sunrise, with Virgil, near ths gate of purgatory, through which they are addmited by the angel deputed by St Peter to keep it.
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