Sebastião Salgado, Great Reportings, Indians from XINGU, Mato Grosso, Brasil

Other's Images / Imagens de Outros

Human Ovule on the Top of a Pin

26 Oct 2009 21 34 5316
photograph by "Wellcome Images" ................................................................. There is no bigger joy than the dissastified conscience of our transcendence. /// Il n'y a pas meilleur joie qui l'insatisfaite conscience de notre transcendance. /// Não há maior alegria do que a consciência insatisfeita da nossa transcendência. by Armando TABORDA, in "SonhoGrafias", Universitária Editora, 2000 (photo 1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016)


04 Nov 2009 17 28 1357
photographed by "Wellcome Images" ................................................................. The head is the garret of the building you live in is there the body keeps space for the memories. /// La tête c'est la mansarde du bâtiment où tu vives c'est là que le corps garde espace pour les mémoires. /// A cabeça é a mansarda do edifício onde moras é lá que o corpo guarda espaço para as memórias. by Armando TABORDA, in "SONHOGRAFIAS", Universitària Editora, 2000 (photo 1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016)

Blood's Coagulum with Leucocyte

10 Nov 2009 26 47 4003
photographed by "Wellcome Images" ................................................................. If death was the continuation of life, the doubt and mystery would not be necessary. /// Si la mort était la continuation de la vie, le doute et le mystère ne seraient pas nécéssaires. /// Se a morte fosse a continuação da vida, desnecessários seriam a dúvida e o mistério. by Armando TABORDA, in "Palavras, Músicas e Blasfémias que Envelheço na Cidade", Universitária Editora, 2000 (post 1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2020)

Human Embryo 6 Days Old

12 Nov 2009 18 28 1418
photographed by "Wellcome Images" ................................................................. Since the very beginning I kept memories of life. Afterwards I decided the essential of the flower is the fragrance remaining as remembrance of the soul. Now I keep memories of soul. /// Au début j'ai gardé mémoires de la vie. Après ça j'ai décidé que l'essentiel de la fleur c'est le parfum qui reste réminiscence de l'âme. Maintenant je garde mémoires de l'âme. /// No começo guardei memórias da vida. Depois concluí que o essencial da flor é o aroma que fica reminiscência da alma. E passei a guardar memórias da alma. by Armando TABORDA, In "SONHOGRAFIAS", Universitária Editora, 2000 (1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2017)

Blood Vessels Coming Up from the Opical Nerve

03 Dec 2009 4 3 1039
photographed by "Wellcome Images"

You Can't Depend on Your Family

04 Dec 2009 19 30 2291
......................................................... You can't depend on your family You can't depend on your friends You can't depend on a beginning You can't depend on an end You can't depend on intelligence You can't depend on God You can only depend on one thing You need a busload of faith to get by ............................................................. Extract from the poem "Busload of Faith", in "Pass Thru Fire, The Collected Lyrics", by LOU REED (photo taken from Internet; edited by Armando TABORDA) (photo 1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016)

EAO - PORTUGAL ARQUITECTURA, European Architecture…

04 Dec 2009 3 2 774
photographed by EAO

Home Dreams, Estate of Arroeira, South of Lisbon

08 Dec 2009 3 4 676
photographed by EAO - PORTUGAL ARQUITECTURA, European Architecture Office

Hotel Soyo, Angola

10 Dec 2009 3 8 2724
photographed by EAO - PORTUGAL ARQUITECTURA, European Architecture Office

Coffee Shop Espai, Telheiras, Lisbon

15 Dec 2009 3 2 642
photographed by EAO - PORTUGAL ARQUITECTURA, European Architecture Office

Mcdonalds Systems Headquarters, reception

17 Dec 2009 1 1 607
photographed by EAO - PORTUGAL ARQUITECTURA, European Architecture Office

Alive Surface

15 Dec 2009 15 18 923
photography taken from Internet ........................................................ The truth of life is on the surface, the philosophy add nothing to it, neither ad hoc sciences or high technology. /// La vérité de la vie est à la surface, la philosophie ne l'ajoute rien, ni les sciences ad hoc ou la haute technologie. /// La verdad de la vida está a la superfície, la filosofia nada le añade, las ciências aplicadas y la alta tecnologia tampoco. /// A verdade da vida está à superfície, a filosofia nada lhe acrescenta, as ciências aplicadas e a alta tecnologia também não. by Armando TABORDA, in "SONHOGRAFIAS", Universitária Editora, 2000 (versión en castellano por Manuel de Diego Flores) (1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2017)

Winged Child

12 Jan 2010 9 9 1013
photographed by Sami Vaskola, taken from Internet

MOTHER (sculpture)

15 Mar 2010 8 3 1116
by Louise Bourgeois, at Museum Guggenheim, Bilbao (Spain) .................................................................................................................. photographed by Vitor Tomás

Alice Fergo and I

17 Mar 2010 6 1 911
at the new title session of her poetry book "When Next to Hours a River Lights Up", Editora Labirinto, March 6th, 2010 photographed by Joaquim Evónio

A-dos-Ruivos, country house, winter last days

29 Nov 2009 7 9 974
photographed by Fernanda Moutinho ...................................................................... from left to right: Fernanda, Susana, Maria da Nazaré, Rafaela, Jorge, Cristina, Armando

Have a Nice Springtime!

28 Mar 2010 6 5 1876
photographed by Fernanda Moutinho

Things of Ladies, Rafaela + Patrícia

28 Mar 2010 9 6 789
photographed by Fernanda Moutinho

604 items in total