Armando Taborda's photos

25 Jul 2012 1 1 328

Outside Indoors

22 May 2012 1 4 392
31 May 2012 11 8 507
Algarve, Ferragudo (4)

Her New Album Deserves Your Best Attention

20 Jul 2012 2 3 446
...... "How can I ask anyone to love me when all I do is beg to be left alone" ...... by Fiona APPLE, in the new album " The Idler Wheel Is Wiser than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More than Ropes Will Ever Do", song LEFT ALONE
19 Jul 2012 3 2 428
Algarve, Alte, Natural Swimming Pools (2)

Rafaela + Inês

I Contemplate The Silent Pond

08 May 2012 3 3 646
I contemplate the silent pond Whose water is stirred by a breeze. And I thinking about everything, Or has everything forgotten me? The pond tells me nothing. I can't feel the breeze stir it up. I don't know if I'm happy Or even if I want happiness. O smiling ripples that flutter Across the water that's sleeping, Why did I make my only life A life made only of dreams? /// Contemplo o lago mudo Que numa brisa estremece. Não sei se penso em tudo Ou se tudo me esquece. O lago nada me diz, Não sinto a brisa mexê-lo. Não sei se sou feliz Nem se desejo sê-lo. Trémulos vincos risonhos Na água adormecida. Por que fiz eu dos sonhos A minha única vida? by Fernando PESSOA, 04.08.1930
17 Jul 2012 1 3 463
photo taken from Internet

Red Flight


28 May 2012 2 444
Algarve, Portimão

Here We Are Again

7156 items in total