Out of duty



Nichts bleibt, nichts ist abgeschlossen und nichts ist perfekt.

Out of duty

06 Apr 2015 17 2 126
© 2015 Arlequin Photographie


06 May 2018 11 1 114
© 2018 Arlequin Photographie

Ich habe einmal gelebt...

06 May 2018 10 2 114
... und nun lebt es in mir. © 2018 Arlequin Photographie

Kultivierte Moorlandschaft - Renaturierung

27 May 2015 4 176
Phase I - Wiedervernässung : Der steigende Wasserspiegel führt zum Absterben der unerwünschten Folgevegetation. © 2015 Arlequin Photographie

Meine Vergänglichkeit ...

11 May 2018 20 6 180
... ist Dein Zuhause © 2018 Arlequin Photographie


24 May 2015 12 3 148
© 2015 Arlequin Photographie

Seiner Form beraubt

28 Dec 2016 19 3 191
Eiskeller de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiskeller in Clausen (Luxemburg) Das Bild (auch die folgenden) entstand vor sechs Jahren, als jemand berichtete, er habe am Ende seiner Garage (Anwesen an einem Berghang) eine Öffnung gefunden und nach den Durchbruch zwei "riesige Hallen" unter der Erde. Spätere Recherchen ergaben, dass es sich hierbei um einen alten Eiskeller einer in der Nähe befundenen Brauerei handelt, in dem man früher Eisblöcke zur Kühlung einlagerte. Irgendwann, nachdem dier Keller nicht mehr genutzt wurde, wurden die Zugänge verschlossen, gerieten in Vergessenheit (nachdem das Anwesen mehrmals den Besitzer wechselte) und wurden nun nach Jahrzehnten "wiederentdeckt". © 2016 Arlequin Photographie

Kein Ausstieg mehr

28 Dec 2016 6 1 138
Eiskeller in Clausen (Luxemburg) © 2016 Arlequin Photographie

Was übrig blieb

28 Dec 2016 9 1 119
Eiskeller in Clausen (Luxemburg) Irgendwann scheint ein Hund in diesen Eiskeller geraten zu sein und hat wohl keinen Weg mehr nach draußen gefunden. © 2016 Arlequin Photographie

Mitten im Leben gebrochen ...

21 Jun 2015 19 7 148
© 2015 Arlequin Photographie

Zunderschwamm - Tinder fungus - Amadouvier

07 Mar 2022 7 1 84
Sehr selten an Nadelholz, "befällt" i.d.R. geschwächte Laubbäume, vor allem Buchen und Birken. Daher war es weit und breit wohl der einzige Zunderschwamm. © 2022 Arlequin Photographie

Gefallenes Chaos

17 Mar 2022 7 3 77
© 2022 Arlequin Photographie

Feltville Historic District - Deserted Village

23 Jan 2023 23 5 122
© 2023 Arlequin Photographie The Feltville Historic District, located in the Watchung Reservation in Berkeley Heights, Union County, New Jersey, United States, is a historic area which contains several buildings dating to the 18th century. It is known locally as "Deserted Village." The district includes eight houses, a church, a carriage house, and a general house. Over the years the "deserted village of Feltville" was a mill town, a farming community, and a summer resort. Only three families remain as permanent residents, while the remainder of the site is open to visitors who wish to learn of its history or to simply enjoy the forested surroundings. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on June 6, 1980 for its significance in agriculture, archaeology, commerce, education, industry and community planning. Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feltville_Historic_District

Feltville Historic District - Deserted Village

23 Jan 2023 18 2 103
© 2023 Arlequin Photographie The first settler of this area was Peter Willcox, an Englishman who moved here from Long Island about 1736. The area then was a frontier. He built a sawmill, but it was demolished as more people came to the area. David Felt, a businessman in Boston, Massachusetts, decided to move to New York City in 1825. By 1844, the production of his mill could not grow fast enough to meet the demands of the merchants he supplied, so Felt began to look for land in New Jersey on which to build a second factory. Eventually he bought land from the descendants of Peter Willcox, and in two years, he had built a mill on Blue Brook, two dams for the mill, and a town for the workers in the mill. He named this new town "Feltville". Within the little town, Felt gained the nickname of "King David", for he required the residents to attend services in the churchhouse and their children to attend classes in a one-room schoolhouse. Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feltville_Historic_District

Feltville Historic District - Deserted Village

23 Jan 2023 14 3 97
© 2023 Arlequin Photographie By 1850, about 175 people lived in Feltville, often four families in each of the larger houses and two in each of the smaller. Also in that year, a nondenominational "Union Church" with a resident pastor was active. After fifteen years, "King David" Felt sold the property, and after several successor businesses failed, the place became known as "the deserted village". In 1882, it was bought by Warren Ackerman, who transformed it to a summer resort called Glenside Park. Interest soon dwindled as more people chose to summer on the shore of New Jersey instead. After the place was again deserted, the Union Country Park Commission bought it and included it in the Watchung Reservation, renting the houses to families. The houses were stabilized recently. In September 2011 Masker's Barn, the carriage house built by Warren Ackerman, was restored. The hall served as a cafeteria and lecture hall from 1966 to 1984. Since many of the main structures are no longer standing, an ongoing preservation effort aims to show visitors how the inhabitants of Feltville-Glenside Park once lived. The main missing buildings are the mill, the Felt Mansion, the dormitories, and the school. The foundation of the mill is still visible next to Blue Brook, which runs farther downhill of the buildings that still stand. Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feltville_Historic_District

Feltville Historic District - Deserted Village

23 Jan 2023 15 3 104
© 2023 Arlequin Photographie Rumors of ghosts A popular local legend tells of three ghosts living in the house furthest down the path. The story claims the rumors originated in 1912, when three young sisters all went camping deep in the woods, but did not return. Locals were only able to find their bonnets, and the fears of the people caused almost half of the residents to move away. Those that remained never let their children go deep in the woods again without supervision. Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feltville_Historic_District

Verschlossen - Schrei nach Veränderung

07 Jul 2023 15 3 89
© 2023 Arlequin Photographie