the golden gate


the golden gate

20 Feb 2021 50 74 374
Happy Fence Friday, everybody! Enjoy your weekend and have fun!


20 Feb 2021 47 29 405
... with flying photo bomber

shine on

25 Nov 2020 41 40 370
Enjoy on black

Touareg... reloaded

11 Jan 2007 46 44 941
Have a good and healthy weekend, Ipernity friends! © antje p.


03 Sep 2013 37 31 610
Let your light shine, no matter how dark it is outside.


14 Jul 2014 39 45 688
HFF with an old dutch summer shot of gold, dear Ipernity friends! Stay safe and sound and enjoy life as much as you can... perhaps take a bath in this golden light!?

we're out of the woods

the light is back...

25 Nov 2020 41 24 329
... and so is our beloved Ipernity!

enchanted... have you seen the unicorn hiding in t…

09 Nov 2020 40 27 368
Luminous, healthy and happy HFF everybody!

no chance this year...

23 May 2019 62 69 614
Because of the Coronavirus we had to cancel our holidays in Bavaria this year. So all I can do is to dream of this sunsets.... Stay safe and healthy, dear Ipernity friends!

der sonne entgegen...

09 Apr 2020 50 56 437
Happy Fence Friday, dear Ipernity friends!

walking on high waters

31 May 2019 48 54 391
Happy & healthy Fence Friday, friends!

sun shower

20 Aug 2019 42 42 566
... for everybody who needs some light in this special times

sun's coming up

12 Jan 2020 65 32 616
Happy fence Friday, everybody!!

golden summer dreams

21 Aug 2019 36 16 845
cretan sunset

a pool of light

08 Sep 2019 49 34 571
Happy Fence Friday everybody! Have a bright and sunny weekend!

116 items in total