Technical information of this video

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Audio Bits Per Sample16
Audio Channels2
Audio Formatmp4a
Audio Sample Rate48000
Avg Bitrate8.59 Mbps
Compatible Brandsmp42, avc1
Current Time0 s
Duration12.00 s
Graphics ModesrcCopy
Handler TypeAudio Track
Image Height720
Image Width1280
Major BrandMP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14]
Matrix Structure1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Media Duration12.01 s
Media Header Version0
Media Language Codeund
Media Time Scale48000
Minor Version0.0.1
Movie Data Size12885159
Movie Header Version0
Next Track ID3
Op Color0 0 0
Poster Time0 s
Preferred Rate1
Preferred Volume100.00%
Preview Duration0 s
Preview Time0 s
Selection Duration0 s
Selection Time0 s
Time Scale90000
Track Duration12.00 s
Track Header Version0
Track ID1
Track Layer0
Track Volume0.00%
Video Frame Rate25