Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence

Fan art / master studies

22 Aug 2016

4 favorites

197 visits

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence

22 Aug 2016

7 favorites

297 visits

Red right hand

05 Jun 2015

2 favorites

325 visits


20 Apr 2015

1 favorite

230 visits


12 Apr 2015

1 favorite

222 visits

[blog friendly cut]

12 Apr 2015

1 favorite

299 visits


Life has been quiet on the drawing front so I decided to try out that sketching with blue & red pencil thing & draw something for all the millions scifi/super hero-decos I've accumulated. It worked. Also employed: masking fluid, watercolour, ink, correction tape. sci-fi decoon

23 Mar 2015

2 favorites

178 visits


01 Mar 2015

6 favorites

1 comment

297 visits


Given theme was "Girls with attitude".

15 Dec 2014

5 favorites

1 comment

241 visits

Norse Gods

I had to do it
24 items in total