Other stuff I do & make

12 Jan 2012

129 visits

The cover of my watercolour case

18 Sep 2012

171 visits

Rowanberry-apple jam!

I am so happy that this turned out to be delicious! I missed most of this summers berry season because of weather and travelling and other hurries, but at least I have a ton of rowan berry jam now. We also made rowan berry liqueur, it'll be ready for tasting around christmas time.

27 Mar 2012

135 visits

Tobacco case

27 Mar 2012

130 visits

27 Mar 2012

129 visits

11 Jan 2012

1 favorite

151 visits

Tools of the trade

a trade, in my case. Missing only the most important thing = WOOD GLUE (I'm not much into many brands but this looks like a W&N commercial. Their fault for making too good quality stuff in student prices) Everything else is self-explanatory but despite looking awful, my brushes are well loved and painstakingly chosen - I just have so special needs that I use them way beyond their life-span before affording new ones...

19 Jan 2011

2 favorites

239 visits

3D sketching

old skool style.

26 Oct 2014

217 visits


08 Jun 2016

2 favorites

198 visits

A model with a painting

in an exhibition. : ) Photo by Keijo Ahlqvist
18 items in total