Rudolf Bokor's photos

Hó és hóvirág

karácsonyi üdvözlet

Szigliget 3

Szigl 11

30 Oct 2014 1 1 308
Szigligeti-vár. A Balaton-felvidéken, Szigliget falu mellett, egy régi vulkánikus hegy tetején épült. Az építést a pannonhalán élő bencések kezdték 1260-1262 között Szigligeti Castle. The the Balaton Highlands, near Szigliget village of, built on top of an old volcanic mountain. The castle construction between 1260-1262 the Benedictine monks started to, who lived in Pannonhalma

Jáki tpl torony 1 2014 10 14

Jáki tpl 8 2014 10 14

Jáki tpl 9 2014 10 14

Jáki tpl 5 2014 10 14

Jáki tpl 7 2014 10 14

14 Oct 2014 3 2 226
Jáki Abbey Church. Romanesque style between 1220-1256. 1256 was consecrated in honor of St. George. Belonged to a Benedictine monastery. The main entrance of the special and beautiful. Inward sloping, several timesarticulated above you can see the apostles of Jesus. Hungary's only intact Romanesque basilica. Course of time damaged in more times (wars, fires, storms), but always restored. A recent renovation has recently been completed.

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