Mexico, Chichen-Itza, The Pyramid of Kukulkán with the Main Staircase


This album is dedicated to visiting southern Mexico while traveling through historic Mayan sites, including also Guatemala and Honduras.

Mexico, Horse-Drawn Carriages in the City of Izama…

Mexico, The Sign of the City of Izamal

09 Jul 2021 10 1 73
The Convent of San Antonio in the background

Mexico, Evening in the City of Izamal

Mexico, Evening Lantern in the City of Izamal

Sunset over the Gulf of Mexico

Mexico, Shark Tower in Puerto Cancun

Mexico, The Cathedral of San Cristobal de las Casa…

Mexico, Upper Levels of the Cathedral of San Crist…

Mexico, Scene on the Plaza de la Paz in San Cristo…

Mexico, San Cristobal de las Casas, Scene on the P…

Mexico, Hotel Quinta Los Morales in San Cristobal…

Mexico, Facade of Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Guzm…

29 Jun 2021 13 103
Unfortunately, the weather did not allow to take a good photo of this magnificent facade - first rain, and then low sun from the back.

Mexico, Facade of Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Guzm…

Mexico, Barred Window on the Facade of Iglesia de…

Mexico, Details of the Facade of Iglesia de Santo…

Mexico, Details of the Facade of Iglesia de Santo…

Mexico, Details of the Facade of Iglesia de Santo…

Mexico, Details of the Facade of Iglesia de Santo…

166 items in total