Drive side full view. Built for Hilda Fox, who placed 3rd in the 1958 British RTTC National 100 mile TT Championship on this bike.

'58 Johnny Berry Road #581656

Folder: Bicycles, Rides and Riding

30 Oct 2015

296 visits

Drive side full view. Built for Hilda Fox, who placed 3rd in the 1958 British RTTC National 100 mile TT Championship on this bike.

30 Oct 2015

383 visits

Non-drive side full view. Restored in 2014/15. Paint by Russ Pickett, Air Art, Chico, California.

30 Oct 2015

249 visits

Reproduction script Johnny Berry down tube dry-transfer by Gary Prange, SSSink, West Jefferson, North Carolina

30 Oct 2015

408 visits

Head lugs/crown lined in gold by Alan Woods. Campagnolo Gran Sport shifters. Lower head lug grease nipple is typical on Berry frames.

30 Oct 2015

615 visits

Seat cluster. Brush top eye decoration is by Jeff Pinard and in the style of C&G Finishes, Liverpool who painted Berry frames.

30 Oct 2015

203 visits

30 Oct 2015

199 visits

Seat cluster from above. C & G style brush decoration by Jeff Pinard

30 Oct 2015

740 visits

Brake cable routing on lower right side of top tube is common on Berry frames as are the half round brake cable housing stops with a rounded head.

30 Oct 2015

319 visits

Campagnolo Gran Sport rear derailleur. Domed stay ends and diver's helmet gear cable housing stops are typical features of Johnny Berry frames.

21 items in total