Search through Tony James' photos

  Shooting date  /  2015   -   395 photos

« 2014    Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec    2016 »

  • 107 Breakfast Fruit
  • 108 Snake Fruit (Salak)
  • 109 Wayan At The Fruit Station
  • 112 Ubud Main Street South
  • 113 Denpasar By-Pass
  • IBa00 Net Trap Deployed
  • 62 Battus polydamas (Gold Rim Swallowtail)
  • 01 Our Boeing 777 to Cancun
  • 02 Baggage Loading
  • 03 Awaiting Our Boarding Call
  • 04 Camera Level - Plane Climbing
  • 05 Newfoundland Sea Ice  from 36,000 ft
  • 06 Newfoundland Sea Ice Flows
  • 08 Nova Scotia Coastal Cliffs
  • 07 Newfoundland Coastal Airport
  • 09 Rest Stop-Over in Cancun
  • 10 Stage 2 - Transfer Bus To Aircraft
  • 11 Crossing To The Jetstream Aircraft
  • 12 Cancun to Belize Flight Boarding
  • 13 In Flight Refreshments
  • 15 Crystal Paradise Entrance
  • 17 Honour Bar and Library
  • 19 Bird Watching on Viewing Rotunda
  • 20 The Area In Front Of Our Cabanas
  • 22 "Yellow" - Amazona oratrix
  • 23 Yellow's Vantage Point In Farmyard
  • 24 A Large Lizard Near The Rotunda
  • 27 Turdus grayi (Clay-coloured Thrush)
  • 28 Amazona albifrons (White-fronted Parrot)
  • 29 Pitangus sulphuratus (Great Kiskadee)
  • 30 Tityra semifasciata (Masked Tityra)
  • 31 Melanerpes aurifons (Golden-Fronted Woodpecker)
  • 32 Eupsittula nana astec (Aztec Parakeet)
  • 33 Crotophaga sulcirostris (Groove-billed Ani)
  • 34 Protonotaria citrea (Prothonotary Warbler)
  • 36 Track Down To The Macal River
  • 39 Hamadryas februa (Grey Cracker)
  • 40 Prepona demophon (Shoemaker)
  • 42 Euptoieta hegesia (Mexican Fritillary)
  • 51 Location Videoing On A Pebble Flat
  • 52 Riverside Wader
  • 52b Coragyps atratus (Black Vulture)
  • 53 Marpesia chiron (Many-banded Daggerwing)
  • 54 Anartia jatrophae (White Peacock)
  • 55 River Flies Formation (Thyridanthrax sps?)
  • 55a A Bug, not a Beetle (?)
  • 56 Watching Wildlife On Sand Spit
  • 57 View Down Macal River
  • 58 Macal River Birds
  • 60 Butterflies Gathering For a Puddle Party
  • 61 Phoebis philea Puddle Party
  • 70 Boarding for a Che-Chem Ha Caving Trip
  • 71 A San Ignacio Street
  • 72 Buses at the San Ignacio Terminal
  • 73 An interesting Garage Advertisement
  • 74 Western Highway San Ignacio
  • 75 Westen Highway to Guatamala
  • 76 Arrival at The Cave Site
  • 77 An Outdoor Wash Basin
  • 78 Off To Find The Cave Entrance
  • 79 A Long Trek First To The Cave
  • 80 Instructions Before Entering The Cave
  • 81 The Cave Entrance
  • 82 Stalactites Inside the Cave Entrance
  • 83 Maya Burial Artefacts at side of tunnel
  • 83a Decoration On Burial Pot
  • 84 Climbing To See Burial Urns on a High Ledge
  • 85 Climbing To A Tunnel To Another Gallery
  • 86 More Mayan Artefacts
  • 87 A Rest Stop For More Maya Information
  • 88 Going Deeper Into The Mountain
  • 89 Passing a Large Flowstone Formation
  • 90 Part Of The Flowstone With Stalactites
  • 91 A larger Broken Stalactite Found Nearby
  • 92 A Large Cave Cricket
  • 93 Further Inside The Cave
  • 94 Waiting For The Final Descent
  • 96 At The Ceremonial Chamber
  • 97 Explanation Of The Ceremonial Area
  • 98 A Limestone Curtain
  • 99 Ascent Back Out Of Chamber
  • 100 Climbing Back By Torchlight
  • 101 Returning Through the Forest
  • 102 Down the Mountainside

395 items in total