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  Shooting date  /  2014  /  October   -   151 photos

« Aug 2014    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31    Nov 2014 »

  • IBa001 Alcis sps
  • IBa002 Macaria sps?
  • IBa003 Haritalodes derogata (Cotton Leaf Roller)
  • IBa004 Unidentified "Footman"
  • IBa005 Euproctis inornata?
  • IBa006 Euproctis croceola
  • IBa007 Spaniocentra lobata
  • IBa008 Hemithea sps
  • IBa010 Pelagodes proquadraria
  • IBa011 Ernolatia moorei
  • IBa011a Ernolatia moorei - Front View
  • IBa011b Ernolatia moorei -  Tail High
  • IBa012 Striglina cinnamomea
  • IBa013 Olene mendosa
  • IBa013 Olene mendosa - Portrait
  • IBa014 Arctornis submarginata
  • IBa015 Amata huebneri
  • IBa016 Creatonotos gangis
  • IBa017 Nannoactia conjuncta
  • IBa018 Spilosoma cervina
  • IBa018 Spilosoma cervina
  • IBa019 Agrotis ipsilon (Dark Sword-grass)
  • IBa020 Athetis reclusa?
  • IBa021 Lymantria sps
  • IBa022 Eupanacra elegantulus
  • IBa023 Asota egens
  • IBa025 Hyposidra talaca
  • IBa026 Borbacha carneata
  • IBa027 Cydalima laticostalis
  • IBa028 Agrioglypta zelimalis
  • IBa029 Monosyntaxis sps
  • IBa030 Synchlora sps
  • IBa031 Tigrioides puncticollis
  • IBa032 Nygmia sps?
  • IBa033 Condica sp.
  • IBa034 Ocinara albicollis
  • IBa035 Heterostegane tritocampsis
  • IBa036 Asota heliconia
  • IBa037 Traminda aventiaria
  • IBa038 Glyphodes itysalis
  • IBa039 Parotis marginata
  • IBa041 Pelagodes semihyalina
  • IBa042 Scirpophaga incertulas
  • IBa043 Orvasca rufalba
  • IBa043 Orvasca rufalba - Portrait
  • IBa044 Tridrepana microcrocea
  • IBa045 Unidentified Noctuid?
  • IBa046 Telephasa nubilosa?
  • IBa047 Autocharis sp?
  • IBa048 Herpetogramma basalis
  • IBa049 Elophila nigralbalis
  • IBa050 Anuga plicatrix?
  • IBa051 Cnaphalocrocis medinalis
  • IBa052 Condica videns
  • IBa053 Rhimphalea astrigalis
  • IBa054 Cirrhochrista fumipalpis (Fig Moth)
  • IBa055 Cerynea trogobasis
  • IBa056 Utetheisa balinensis
  • IBa057 Autoba sps
  • IBa058 - Another Teliphasa sp.?
  • IBa059 - Unidentified Noctuid
  • IBa060 Nola fasciata
  • IBa061 Euproctis bipunctapex
  • IBa062 Euproctis dissimilis
  • IBa063 Asura arcuata
  • IBa064 - Pinacia molybdaenalis
  • 17 Looking across the open-air theatre
  • 12 The main swimming pool on the edge of the valley
  • 16 Another rooftop view into the valley
  • 13 Roof-top viewing platform over the Restaurant Area
  • 55 Entrance of the hotel
  • 18 Southernmost view of Valley looking over the Spa area
  • 21 View Into Valley From Our Villa
  • 19 The Front Of Our Villa
  • 33 A large Gecko hanging around the roof over the moth trap overnight
  • 31 A Strange Visitor under the Trap one Night
  • 33 Hemidactylus frenatus (Asian House Gecko)
  • 01 Flight 1: Ready for take-off to Doha
  • 02 A Surprise View of a Concorde at Heathrow
  • 03 Flight 1: Over Central Turkey
  • 04 Doha: In The Premium Lounge
  • 05 Awaiting our Connecting Flight to Bali
  • 06 Executive Coach to the Aircraft
  • 07 Flight 2: Bedding Down Time Across The Indian Ocean

151 items in total