Light Trap Aspect at the Radisson

2015 Panama Moths

Folder: Central America
The Moth species which we have recorded at the two hotels through our stay.145 species have so far been logged and added here, but there are a few more smaller moths yet to review. Picture Reference Numbers are PxxxR= Radisson Hotel, PxxxG= Gamboa Hotel, and PxxxRG at both hotels. The reference number is just the order in which my photographs were logged pending species identification, but these m…  (read more)

Light Trap Aspect at the Radisson

05 Dec 2015 122
Deployment here was affected by the safety barrier for the balcony. As well as the metal bars on the outside, there was an inner glass barrier about 30cm inside. Glass generally is a barrier for Ultra-Violet light, so I had to raise the trap lamps high enough to radiate into the adjacent tree-tops unhindered. My final arrangement, which proved successful, can be seen in the next picture.

Light Trap Tower at Radisson

05 Dec 2015 106
To raise the trap high enough to be looking over the glass barrier to the balcony, I utilised the outside furniture, piled one on top of the other. In case of windage, the trap was tied to the furniture, but placed over a small sheet I use under traps, to make insects more visible. It worked quite well, and a good range of moths and other insects came in during our stay.

P001RG Perigonia lusca

16 Apr 2015 232
Sphingidae Wingspan: ~65mm. Quite a common moth in this area with individuals appearing on four of the nights we ran the trap.

P002R Pero dularia

16 Apr 2015 142
Geometridae, Ennominae - Wingspan: 48mm. A single specimen came to our trap on the 16th.

P003R Macrocneme sp.

16 Apr 2015 124
Erebidae, Arctiinae (or Arctiidae, Ctenuchinae) - Wingspan: 33mm. A single specimen was recorded on the 16th. No clear comparison can be made with other illustration on the Internet, so the ID is still in abeyance.

P004RG Cosmosoma sp.

16 Apr 2015 170
Erebidae, Arctiinae (or Arctiidae, Ctenuchinae) - Wingspans: 40-44mm. A single specimen occurred at each hotel where we were staying, coming to our light trap.

P005RG Psoloptera basifulva

16 Apr 2015 269
Erebidae, Arctiinae (or Arctiidae, Ctenuchinae) - Wingspan: 34mm.

P007R Macaria sp.

16 Apr 2015 171
Geometridae, Ennominae - Wingspan: 30mm. Two specimens were recorded on the 16th, and one on the 20th. Although there are similarities with other individuals portrayed on the Internet, a species ID is yet to be determined.

P008R Palpita sp.

16 Apr 2015 139
Crambidae - Wingspan: 32mm.

P009R Paragonia cruraria?

16 Apr 2015 150
Geometridae? - Wingspan: 34mm.

P010R Eulepidotis electa

16 Apr 2015 235
Erebidae - Wingspan: 34mm. Two specimens came to our light trap on the 16th at the first hotel.

P011R Baniana ostia

16 Apr 2015 136
Erebidae, Anobinae - Wingspan:34mm. Two came to the trap at the first hotel on 16/4/15.

P012R Coenipeta dimidiata

16 Apr 2015 328
Erebidae, Erebinae - Wingspan: 35mm. Three individuals of this species came to our light trap during our stay at the first hotel. Quite a pretty species with the pale green fore wings and yellow hind wings.

P012R Coenipeta dimidiata

05 Dec 2015 115
Erebidae, Erebinae - Wingspan: 35mm. Three individuals of this species came to our light trap during our stay at the first hotel. A spread specimen showing the underwings.

P013R Coenipeta bibitrix

16 Apr 2015 186
Erebidae, Erebinae - Wingspan: 30mm. A fairly common species in the Paraiso region, six individuals came to the light trap at our first hotel.

P013R Coenipeta bibitrix

05 Dec 2015 148
Erebidae, Erebinae - Wingspan: 30mm. A fairly common species in the Paraiso region, six individuals came to the light trap at our first hotel.

P014RG Cerodirphia sp.?

16 Apr 2015 261
Saturnidae - Wingspan: 63-86mm. This moth appeared in numbers about the Radisson Hotel, attracted to the lighted windows. This group is likely to have highly irritant larvae , similar to Automeris species.

P014R Cerodirphia sp. (Spread Specimens)

12 Nov 2015 179
Saturnidae - Wingspan: 63-86mm. Any help with identifying the actual species would be welcome.

168 items in total