Next Sunday Will Be Rally Day

Rally Day

Folder: Holidays and Celebrations
Rally Day is a special celebration held by some Protestant churches in September or October to promote family attendance at church services and children's participation in Sunday school. A variety of postcards, tags, novelties, and other items have been used to promote the event over the years.

Next Sunday Will Be Rally Day

19 Jul 2016 3 492
"Next Sunday will be Rally Day in the school. Will you help make it a grand success by being present early yourself? Bring someone not already a member. Urge your parents to come. cordially yours."

Stop! Look! Listen! It's Coming

04 Apr 2014 880
"Stop! Look! Listen! Rally Day, Methodist Episcopal Sunday Schools, Ann Street and Riverside, Middletown, Pa., October 1, 1911. It's coming next Sunday afternoon. We will have a great program. Good music. We want to have every member present, 200 visitors, 100 new members. Will you help us to realize our hopes? I am depending on you to be present and bring someone else with you. ________________, teacher."

Our Rally Day Treasure Chest

19 Jul 2016 3 751
A folded die-cut Rally Day postcard. Mouse over the Rally Day Treasure Chest to open it and see what's inside .

Next Sunday Is Rally Day

19 Jul 2016 2 1 736
The inside of a Rally Day Treasure Chest , which has a postcard backing. Mouse over the image to see the closed (folded) treasure chest . Next Sunday is Rally Day The day of 100% attendance in our school. We must have you present to make our goal! Let's make our school better than ever! The contents of the treasure chest are all for you: The Book of Books. A Place of Prayer. A Place of Song. A Happy Place. God Is Here! Helpful Friends. Truth and Honor Taught Here. Golden Hours.

Visit Our Sunday-School Air Port

02 Nov 2015 2 1215
Visit our Sunday-School Air Port; come on a glorious flight Far to the lands of the Bible, shining in radiant light. Straight through the heaven of beauty bathed in the sunshine of love, Come on a tour of the Bible all other journeys above! Airships are waiting and ready, the pilots are steady and true; Off we are starting next Sunday, and here is a ticket for you! Handwritten at the bottom: "Zion Lutheran Sunday School, E. Petersburg, Penna., October 27, 1929." Printed on the other side: "Here's your pass for the take-off next Sunday!" Handwritten address on the other side: "Misses Stella and Martha Weaver, R.D. #1, Manheim, Penna." Postmarked: East Petersburg, Pa., Oct 23, 1929.

Rally Day Airship

02 Nov 2015 3 634
"Next Sunday is Rally Day at our school. Come and bring a friend." Postmarked 1924.

Rally Day - All Hands Present!

12 Nov 2013 3 1101
Bible verse printed on the back of this Rally Day tag: "They received the Word with all readiness of mind and search the Scriptures daily. Acts 17:11."

Glad You Are Here on Our Rally Day

04 Apr 2014 3 972
A paper toy spinner intended to be given out to children on "Rally Day," a special celebration held by some Protestant churches in September or October to promote family attendance at church services and children's participation in Sunday school. "Glad you are here on our Rally Day. Insert pin and spin. Be a ten point member. 1. Attends regularly. 2. Comes on time. 3. Contributes weekly. 4. Studies the lesson. 5. Is attentive. 6. Seeks new members. 7. Is friendly. 8. Reads the Bible daily. 9. Prays for himself and others. 10. Attends church."

Lasting Impressions

19 Jul 2016 1 715
See also a detail showing a close-up of the flag image (below). Lasting Impressions Stare at this flag, dear friend, Then look away, The image still stands by you. If next Sunday, you'll attend Our Rally Day, Like impressions will then ensue. Directions. Take card in both hands, look steadily at small diamond shaped speck on flag, try not to blink, and count to 40 slow, then look up at sky or a light wall and picture will appear greatly enlarged. Keep looking at one spot for 10 seconds. Result--the actual picture will appear and disappear several times.

Lasting Impressions (Detail)

19 Jul 2016 1 455
See also the full version of this postcard (below). Directions. Take card in both hands, look steadily at small diamond shaped speck on flag, try not to blink, and count to 40 slow, then look up at sky or a light wall and picture will appear greatly enlarged. Keep looking at one spot for 10 seconds. Result--the actual picture will appear and disappear several times.

Be Sure to Get Back for Rally Day

02 Nov 2015 4 1244
"Be sure to get back for Rally Day. 'The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.' Psalm 19:1." Rally Day is a special celebration held by some Protestant churches in September or October to promote family attendance at church services and children's participation in Sunday school. This postcard, which was used to remind church members (and astronauts, too, I guess) to attend Rally Day activities, likely dates to the 1960s when the Space Race was taking place. For some earlier aeronautical Rally Day reminders, see Rally Day Airship and Visit Our Sunday-School Air Port :