Woman and Man at the High Water Mark Monument, Gettysburg, Pa.

Photobombs—Photographic Spoilers

Folder: Photos

Woman and Man at the High Water Mark Monument, Get…

12 Oct 2016 1 2 1463
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of "what’s that on his shoe?" or other unexpected details . In this snapshot, a woman sits for a souvenir photo in front of the giant book that's part of the High Water Mark of the Rebellion Monument on the Gettysburg Battlefield in Pennsylvania. When I purchased this photo, I noticed that there's a man on the right who's oddly standing behind the woman and near the back of the monument. I didn't think anything of it until I got home and scanned the photo. When I took a look at an enlarged version (mouse over the image above to see it), I made the unexpected discovery that the fellow was irreverently thumbing his nose as the photographer snapped the picture. Photobombing , of course, is nothing new! See below for monument photos from 1906 and 1912 as well as a recent view .

Woman and Man at the High Water Mark Monument, Get…

12 Oct 2016 1 879
For more information, see the original photo :

Remember That Day, Jefferson Rock, Harpers Ferry,…

07 Apr 2016 3 1 1066
A tattered & torn (or otherwise damaged) photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. Handwritten caption: "Remember that day." Handwritten note on the back: "Isn't this sweet. Give me one in the place of this." An undated and well-worn photo taken at Jefferson Rock , which overlooks the town of Harpers Ferry , West Virginia. According to Wikipedia, "The name of this landmark derives from Thomas Jefferson, who stood there on October 25, 1783. He found the view from the rock impressive and wrote in Notes on the State of Virginia that 'this scene is worth a voyage across the Atlantic.'" Note that the silhouette of someone's head and shoulders is visible in the background between two of the pillars that hold the top slab of the rock in place. Here's a 2009 view of the rock taken from a similar vantage point:

Woman Walking, Movie Shots Photo, Philadelphia, Pa…

19 Sep 2013 2 1253
An undated real photo postcard. A woman walks down the street as Mr. Photobomb watches. Movie Shots photographers also operated in other cities, including Washington, D.C., and at the 1940 New York World's Fair. For examples of other photos taken by street and seaside photographers, see lisabee73's delightful album of Walking Pictures . For another Movie Shots photo, see Man with a Package, Movie Shots Photo, Philadelphia, Pa.

Treating Ginger Not So Gingerly

12 Feb 2017 4 2 490
A photobombs photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. While Ginger (her name is written on the back of another photo) poses pleasantly for a snapshot, Mr. Photobomb grins wildly as he jumps into the background.

Son and Shadow

12 Feb 2017 2 570
A soldier and his father stand at attention in the bright sunlight while his mother waits impatiently in the shadows with her hands on her hips.


24 Aug 2016 8 9 1183
A photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park monthly topic of quirky humor (submit a photo on this topic each week in addition to—or instead of—a photo for the weekly topic). I was saddened to learn that Barbara "Babs" Bird (aka corduroy cat), a former member of the Vintage Photos Theme Park, passed away on February 9, 2020. I always appreciated her quirky sense of humor. Although all of her comments disappeared when she left Ipernity a couple of years ago, I remember that she said that this was her favorite photo of mine. -------- Lots of fun details here--pouts, grins, somber looks, closed eyes, big hats, wall hangings, patterned wallpaper, a mirror. And then there's that kid in front who's yelling at the top of his lungs and ruining the picture: Aieeeeee!!! The photo came in a nice paper frame , too:

Aieeeeee!!! (Full Version)

24 Aug 2016 3 717
For more information, see the cropped version of this photo:

Hatchet Job

24 May 2018 1 2 486
For the Vintage Photos Theme Park, a photo of troublemakers and misfits (that guy always was a troublemaker: photo featuring a misfit—someone set apart from the rest of the people by dress, action, expression, etc.) . A jolly bunch of men and women are posing under a tree—and on a tree house or platform attached to the tree—for what turned out to be an overexposed photo that then faded over time. After I scanned the photo and adjusted its contrast, I was able to spot some interesting details, like the beaming smiles on some of the women's faces and the bow ties and striped shirts worn by a few of the men. One fellow at upper right is smoking a pipe and holding the legs of a guy who's sitting on the railing above him. And then there's the dude who's smack dab in the middle of the group (see a cropped version for a close-up view). He's puffing on a cigarette and seems to be lunging toward a man in the front row. Judging by the blur of the hatchet he's holding in his raised hand, the man in front received a blow to the head just after the photographer snapped the photo. Or at least that seems to be what this troublemaker wanted us to believe. Notice, too, how the young woman to the left of the hatchet wielder is grinning. It's hard to tell if she's in on the joke or is actually oblivious to the impending hatchet chop. P.S. For another rabble-rouser caught on film, see Aieeeeee!!!

Hatchet Job (Cropped)

24 May 2018 1 252
For more information, see the full version of this photo.

Sinister Sam and the California Gals

11 May 2020 3 1 365
Sinister Sam lurks in the background as two women pose in front of a car with a 1940 California license plate. "61B626, California, 1940."

Watching from the Window

26 Mar 2023 3 2 193
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of something interesting or surprising in the background . . At first glance, this is a typical photo of a woman sitting on a chair. In the background, however, is a girl watching from the window, which seems a little spooky. This is a real photo postcard with a divided back. "R. B. Hunter, LisbellAw" is stamped in ink on the other side, but the card is otherwise unused. Could "LisbellAw" refer to the village of Lisbellaw in Northern Ireland?