A. C. Krider, Happy New Year, 1882

New Year

Folder: Holidays and Celebrations

Happy New Year, Farmers National Bank, Pawnee City…

31 Dec 2013 1 1041
The officers and directors of the Farmers National Bank, Pawnee City, Nebraska, extend to you their sincere best wishes for a prosperous and happy New Year.

Health, Happiness, and Prosperity, Herr and Compan…

31 Dec 2013 941
"In closing the books of the old year we take great pleasure in voicing our appreciation for past favors. On your page we would inscribe these joyful words: health, happiness, and prosperity. Herr and Company, Lancaster, Pa. H & Co. Greetings. Credits for you: 52 weeks of health, happiness, and prosperity."

New Year Greetings

31 Dec 2013 811
May each new day bring something So friendly and so glad That each one in its passing Seems best of all you've had.

Happy New Year, Diamond Saw and Stamping Works

31 Dec 2013 1 615
"With best wishes for a happy New Year, Diamond Saw and Stamping Works, Buffalo, N.Y."

A Happy New Year

New Year Greeting

Early Yet--Hic--A Happy New Year

Bonne Année

31 Dec 2013 1 1 690
Or Joyeux Noël? Although "Happy New Year" is the French greeting on this hand-colored real photo postcard, the greenery, snowman, and red and green coloring seem to suggest a Christmas scene.

Happy New Year

09 Dec 2014 2 751
"Happy New Year. J. H. Bufford's Sons, Boston, New York & Chicago."

Carriers' Annual Address, Harrisburg Daily Patriot…

31 Dec 2013 1221
See the full version (above), top half , and bottom half . -------- Carriers' Annual Address to the Patrons of the Harrisburg Daily Patriot, Wednesday, January 1, 1879 Headline of newspaper in illustration: "A Happy New Year." -------- Carriers' Address A year has closed a circle again That ne'er can be broken by power of men; so list to a song of its woe and its cheer, A song of the sad, glad, dead old year, 'Tis the carriers' song, the carriers true Who've served you the news the whole year through. Oh, we are the carriers, ready and swift! We whistle right merrily all the way. As, bringing the latest news from the world, We hurry along in the morning gray. Oh, what cared we for the springtime fair, The budding trees and its opening flowers! Oh, what cared we for its sunshine sweet, Or its smirching mud and its drenching showers! The Turk had been crushed by the Czar's bold hosts, And peace would now reign in lands over the sea; In Congress, to keep peace all Europe would meet; --And we carried the news of these great things to be. Then William the good king of Prussia was shot-- We must carry the news--all Prussia was stirred. Then Mercedes died, the sweet Spanish queen, And from Spain the voice of sorrow was heard. Soon all in the cool, the sweet-scented shade Of the fresh summer morning we hurried along, Ere yet the fierce heat of the day had shone out, While caroled each bird his blithest, best song. But no time to enjoy these, for up from the South The voice of the fever-struck, praying, had come For help from the North in their day of distress, And we carried the prayer into each northern home. And then in the hazy, beautiful morn, All tinted with shades of the gold autumn days, We saw o'er the trees decked in numberless hues, The round, rising sun in its first glory blaze. But we cared not, we cared not for beauty of earth, For out on the pitiless, treacherous deep A shipload of lives had gone down in the night, And we bore the sad news that caused many to weep. Oh, cold, oh cold was the winter's wild blast, And blinding and thick was the hard-blowing snow! What cared we, what cared we for winter so drear! Let the snow drift deep and the cold winds blow! We carried the news of another ship lost-- The news of the day Congress opened its doors-- Of Beaconsfield's speech--the campaign in the East-- The heralds of "wars and rumors of wars." And now on our rounds the whole round year We've tirelessly traveled. To some have been sad The tidings we've brought, but as well have we brought The news that has made full many hearts glad. If the news that we faithfully lay at your doors Make sad hearts or glad hearts, we can never say; And we never would know. We travel our rounds And whistle right merrily all the way.

Carriers' Address, Harrisburg Daily Patriot, 1879…

31 Dec 2013 1194
See the full version , top half (above), and bottom half . -------- Carriers' Annual Address to the Patrons of the Harrisburg Daily Patriot, Wednesday, January 1, 1879 Headline of newspaper in illustration: "A Happy New Year." -------- Carriers' Address A year has closed a circle again That ne'er can be broken by power of men; so list to a song of its woe and its cheer, A song of the sad, glad, dead old year, 'Tis the carriers' song, the carriers true Who've served you the news the whole year through. Oh, we are the carriers, ready and swift! We whistle right merrily all the way. As, bringing the latest news from the world, We hurry along in the morning gray. Oh, what cared we for the springtime fair, The budding trees and its opening flowers! Oh, what cared we for its sunshine sweet, Or its smirching mud and its drenching showers! The Turk had been crushed by the Czar's bold hosts, And peace would now reign in lands over the sea; In Congress, to keep peace all Europe would meet; --And we carried the news of these great things to be. Then William the good king of Prussia was shot-- We must carry the news--all Prussia was stirred. Then Mercedes died, the sweet Spanish queen, And from Spain the voice of sorrow was heard. Soon all in the cool, the sweet-scented shade Of the fresh summer morning we hurried along, Ere yet the fierce heat of the day had shone out, While caroled each bird his blithest, best song. But no time to enjoy these, for up from the South The voice of the fever-struck, praying, had come For help from the North in their day of distress, And we carried the prayer into each northern home. And then in the hazy, beautiful morn, All tinted with shades of the gold autumn days, We saw o'er the trees decked in numberless hues, The round, rising sun in its first glory blaze. But we cared not, we cared not for beauty of earth, For out on the pitiless, treacherous deep A shipload of lives had gone down in the night, And we bore the sad news that caused many to weep. Oh, cold, oh cold was the winter's wild blast, And blinding and thick was the hard-blowing snow! What cared we, what cared we for winter so drear! Let the snow drift deep and the cold winds blow! We carried the news of another ship lost-- The news of the day Congress opened its doors-- Of Beaconsfield's speech--the campaign in the East-- The heralds of "wars and rumors of wars." And now on our rounds the whole round year We've tirelessly traveled. To some have been sad The tidings we've brought, but as well have we brought The news that has made full many hearts glad. If the news that we faithfully lay at your doors Make sad hearts or glad hearts, we can never say; And we never would know. We travel our rounds And whistle right merrily all the way.

Carriers' Address, Harrisburg Daily Patriot, 1879…

31 Dec 2013 1236
See the full version , top half , and bottom half (above). -------- Carriers' Annual Address to the Patrons of the Harrisburg Daily Patriot, Wednesday, January 1, 1879 Headline of newspaper in illustration: "A Happy New Year." -------- Carriers' Address A year has closed a circle again That ne'er can be broken by power of men; so list to a song of its woe and its cheer, A song of the sad, glad, dead old year, 'Tis the carriers' song, the carriers true Who've served you the news the whole year through. Oh, we are the carriers, ready and swift! We whistle right merrily all the way. As, bringing the latest news from the world, We hurry along in the morning gray. Oh, what cared we for the springtime fair, The budding trees and its opening flowers! Oh, what cared we for its sunshine sweet, Or its smirching mud and its drenching showers! The Turk had been crushed by the Czar's bold hosts, And peace would now reign in lands over the sea; In Congress, to keep peace all Europe would meet; --And we carried the news of these great things to be. Then William the good king of Prussia was shot-- We must carry the news--all Prussia was stirred. Then Mercedes died, the sweet Spanish queen, And from Spain the voice of sorrow was heard. Soon all in the cool, the sweet-scented shade Of the fresh summer morning we hurried along, Ere yet the fierce heat of the day had shone out, While caroled each bird his blithest, best song. But no time to enjoy these, for up from the South The voice of the fever-struck, praying, had come For help from the North in their day of distress, And we carried the prayer into each northern home. And then in the hazy, beautiful morn, All tinted with shades of the gold autumn days, We saw o'er the trees decked in numberless hues, The round, rising sun in its first glory blaze. But we cared not, we cared not for beauty of earth, For out on the pitiless, treacherous deep A shipload of lives had gone down in the night, And we bore the sad news that caused many to weep. Oh, cold, oh cold was the winter's wild blast, And blinding and thick was the hard-blowing snow! What cared we, what cared we for winter so drear! Let the snow drift deep and the cold winds blow! We carried the news of another ship lost-- The news of the day Congress opened its doors-- Of Beaconsfield's speech--the campaign in the East-- The heralds of "wars and rumors of wars." And now on our rounds the whole round year We've tirelessly traveled. To some have been sad The tidings we've brought, but as well have we brought The news that has made full many hearts glad. If the news that we faithfully lay at your doors Make sad hearts or glad hearts, we can never say; And we never would know. We travel our rounds And whistle right merrily all the way.

Lady's Invitation, Reliance Fire Company, 15th Ann…

31 Dec 2013 897
"Fifteenth Annual Ball of the Reliance Fire Co., January 1st, 1879, Lady's Invitation."

New Year's Party at Hotel Curtis Postponed Until J…

31 Dec 2013 1 1 897
Notice! On account of bad weather and roads the New Year's Party at Hotel Curtis, Barnes Corners, N.Y., was postponed until Friday evening, Jan. 10th, 1896. All are cordially invited to attend. G. S. Curtis, prop'r.

Best Wishes for the Coming Year, 1948

New Year's Eve Party Pup

31 Dec 2013 1 2 396
The handwritten note on the back of this photo suggests that the dog is dressed in a party hat for New Year's eve.

Best Wishes for the New Year

31 Dec 2013 4 830
A Happy New Year photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park . Handwritten message on the back of the photo: "Best Wishes for the New Year, Frank Schluth." I believe that this photo shows Mr. Schluth dressed in a costume for the Philadelphia Mummers Parade. As Wikipedia explains, "The Mummers Parade is held each New Year's Day in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. . . . Local clubs (usually called 'New Years Associations') compete in one of four categories (comics, fancies, string bands, and fancy brigades). They prepare elaborate costumes and moveable scenery, which take months to complete." For addional information and recent photos, see the Philadelphia Mummers Parade Web site. Best wishes to all my Ipernity friends for a happy and healthy New Year!

A Happy New Year

76 items in total