Hotel Excelsior, Siena, Italy

Hotels and Motels

John Matthes, American House, Lebanon, Pa., ca. 18…

22 Oct 2019 1 511
John Matthes (1834-1894) was the proprietor of American House, a hotel in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. It's likely that this business card dates to around 1864, when Matthes ran a newspaper ad for American House. A later advertisement indicates that he was operating a wine and liquor store by 1873 (see below for the ads). American House Lebanon, Pa. Market Street, half-square south of Market House and one and a half squares from Court House. John Matthes, prop'r. The table is supplied with the best of edibles. The bar with the choicest of liquors. Extensive new stabling attached to the house. Handwritten name and year on the other side of the card : "Allen Longenecker, 1864." -------- Advertisement printed in the Lebanon Advertiser (Lebanon, Pa.), July 20, 1864, p. 4 : AMERICAN HOUSE, Market Street, Lebanon, JOHN MATTHES, Proprietor. The proprietor of this old established and popular HOTEL would respectfully inform the public that it will be conducted at all times to the comfort and convenience of its guests. It has been thoroughly refitted and renovated, and no pains will be spared to make the Table and the Bar, at all times, equal to any in the county. The STABLING and Yard are superior too, and more extensive, than any other in Lebanon. A new SHED is also in the course of erection, which will be completed in a short time. The patronage of the Farmers and the Traveling public generally is respectfully solicited. PLACE--West side of Market street, and half a square south from the Market House. JOHN MATTHES. Lebanon, April 6, 1864. -------- Advertisement in the Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, Pa.), Jan. 9, 1873, p. 4: "John Matthes' Wholesale and Retail Wine & Liquor Store, No. 33 North 8th Street, Lebanon, Pa."

Bay of Naples Hotel, Naples, Maine

19 Mar 2023 1 1 93
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of turrets . Caption: "Bay of Naples Hotel, Naples, Maine." Sign partially visible on the right: "Break[fast] Serv[ed] 8 To 11 [AM]." This real photo postcard shows a picturesque view of the Bay of Naples Hotel in Naples, Maine . The hotel opened in 1899, closed during the 1950s, and was torn down in 1964. Before the building was demolished, the cupola on top of the large turret on the left-hand side of the hotel was removed and ended up at an area campground. Fifty-seven years later, the cupola was moved, restored, and installed at the Naples Barn, a local business (see Dawn De Busk, " Cupola Moved to New Spot for Restoration ," Bridgton News , August 6, 2021, and a Google Street View showing the cupola in its current location). This is an unused photo postcard with a type of stamp box (EKC with "place stamp here") on the other side that suggests a possible date range from 1930 to 1950.

Hotel Allen, Sandpoint, Idaho, 1912

06 Aug 2023 3 2 168
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of a motel, hotel, tent, or any sort of building or structure used for overnight accommodations while traveling . Signs: "Hotel Allen." "The Allen House. Meals 25¢." This is a real photo postcard addressed on the other side to Mrs. Mary Ackley, Wyalusing, Bradford Co., Penna., R.F.D. 38, and postmarked in Sandpoint, Idaho, on May 9, 1912. Handwritten message: "Sandpoint Ida, May 8, 1912. Mrs. Ackley:-This is our new home. We bought in Feb., are moved and settled, have a fine trade, can seat 30 at once in our dining room. We are both real well and busy, making lots of garden. Wish you would take a start and come out, a change would do you good. Mrs. D. H. Allen. 511 North 2nd Ave., Sandpoint."

93 items in total