Independent Order of Cadets of Temperance

Membership Cards

Folder: Ephemera

Independent Order of Cadets of Temperance

01 Apr 2013 1 1581
"Independent Order of Cadets of Temperance. We educate to love truth & temperance. This is to certify that ________ is a member in regular standing in ________ sect., no. ____, I.O. of C.T. ________ G. ________, 18____. Elliott, printer, cor. 4th & New, below Vine." For a similar membership card, see Theodore K. Young, Independent Order of Cadets of Temperance, 1858 .

Theodore K. Young, Independent Order of Cadets of…

01 Apr 2013 2 1609
"Independent Order of Cadets of Temperance. We educate to love truth & temperance. This is to certify that Theodore K. Young is a member in regular standing in Crystal Fount Sect. No. 15, I.O. of C.T. Geo. King, G. Sep. 15th 1858." For a similar membership card, see Independent Order of Cadets of Temperance .

Down and Out Club Membership Card, 1906

02 Jul 2013 1 3466
A postcard parody of a membership card for the "Down and Out Club" and an advertisement for the Powers Photo Engraving Company, "fastest engravers on earth." Down and Out Club of the United States of America No.: Back number. Date: Not yet but soon. This is to certify that after a thorough examination Mr. R. G. Brubaker has been elected a member of the Down and Out Club of America. His usefulness being gone is subject to the Skidoo Treatment. A. Hasbeen, president. To the woods. Not yet but soon. Walla-walla. 23 skidoo. Copyright 1906 by the Powers Photo Eng. Co., Fastest Engravers on Earth, 154 Nassau St., N.Y.

National Dunking Association Membership Card

07 Jun 2012 2 1908
See also the back of this card: Dunk a Donut and Be Merry! -------- This certifies that ________ is a life member of the National Dunking Association and is permitted at all times to dunk donuts either in private or in public, without criticism or interference. Headquarters: 152 West 42nd Street, New York City. Local charter: The Donut Hut, 109 N. Main St., Chambersburg Pa., Phone 824 W.

Dunk a Donut and Be Merry!

25 Oct 2012 1646
See also the front of this card: National Dunking Association Membership Card . -------- The Optimist's Creed. As you ramble on thru life, brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole! The National Dunking Association respectfully requests all members to observe the Official Dunking Rules. Splashing is taboo. Any member caught getting his fingers wet will be subject to suspension. With that, we wish you "Happy dunking!" And when you dunk, be sure you dunk donuts identified by the official Seal of Tested Quality, for delightfully delicious and winningly wholesome donuts enjoyed by millions of people. National Dunking Association. Seal of Tested Quality.

Washington Athletic Club, Seattle, Washington

19 Sep 2013 796
"Washington Athletic Club, Seattle, has the honor to extend to Ens. W. J. McTalley the privileges of the club for the period ending Dec. 2, 1941, at the request of US Navy, Darwin Meisnest, manager. K523." The Washington Athletic Club 's 21-story building with its art deco construction opened in downtown Seattle in 1930, and the club celebrated its eighty-fifth anniversary in 2015.

Secret Squadron Membership Card, 1955-56

06 Nov 2013 1 1874
From the 1950s Captain Midnight television show, starring Richard Webb as Captain Midnight, an aviator who was code-named SQ-1 and fought the bad guys as the leader of the Secret Squadron. -------- This is to certify that the undersigned is an official member of the Secret Squadron, 1955-1956. SQ 316422 ________ (Sign your name here in ink.) Important--carry this card with you at all times, Captain Midnight. Justice through strength and courage.

Ancient, Honorable, Transcendental, and Effervesce…

02 Dec 2013 3 1560
A 1924 membership card for the Curwensville, Pa., Kennel (chapter) of the Ancient, Honorable, Transcendental, and Effervescent Order of Yellow Dogs. "Ride Si Sapis Sine Cura Esto Perpetuum Hic Et Ubique" (Google translates this from the Latin as: "The ride here forever and everywhere, if you are wise, be wholly free from care.") See also Angelica Paez's Order of Yellow Dogs membership card and my own The Yellow Dogs Will Gnaw at the Ancient Relic, 1923 ticket.

Order of Railroad Telegraphers, 1915

26 Feb 2018 1 350
"The Order of Railroad Telegraphers, issued to B. H. Harding. Good until December 31st, 1915, unless revoked. H. B. Perham, president. L. W. Quick. grand secretary and treasurer."

Ron Drake Bird Watching Society

29 Aug 2014 3 1371
"This is to certify that Mrs. Mary Ritters is a full feathered charter member of the Ron Drake Bird Watching Society, WHP radio 580." A Bird Watching Society membership card issued to fans of the popular radio personality Ron Drake (a "drake" is also a bird, get it?), who was active on the air in Harrisburg, Pa., from the 1960s until his retirement in 1982. Sadly, Drake passed away in 2005 .

Independent Order of Hot Air Dispensers Membership…

16 Oct 2014 4 1 1329
"Independent Order of Hot Air Dispensers Membership Card. Local No. 463 - Card No. This certifies that [H. H. Melhorn?], Glen Rock, Pa., is a member in good standing of the Hot Air Dispensers, and is fully qualified to supply hot air on any and all occasions. James Gasbag, president. Wm. Buttonholer, sec'y."

Goofey Gang Membership Card, 1929

29 Aug 2014 5 1521
"Membership card. This is to certify that Portia J. Gross as a Goofey Movie fan has been made an annual member of the Goofey Gang, 1929. Phil Strongbred, president. Not transferable. Member's signature." Cartoonist Fred Neher (1903-2001) issued this Goofey Gang membership card for young fans of his Goofey Movies comic strip. For an example of Neher's work, see " Goofey Movies Presents Tough Turkey ", a Goofey Movies strip published on January 3, 1929, which is available as part of the Ohio State University Libraries' Cartoon Image Database (select the Toggle Full Page button there for a better view of the image).

Down and Out Club Membership Card, 1906

16 Aug 2014 5 4 1741
A postcard parody of a membership card for the "Down and Out Club" and an advertisement for the Powers Photo Engraving Company, "fastest engravers on earth." Down and Out Club of the United States of America No.: Back number. Date: Not yet but soon. This is to certify that after a thorough examination Mr. R. G. Brubaker has been elected a member of the Down and Out Club of America. His usefulness being gone is subject to the Skidoo Treatment. A. Hasbeen, president. To the woods. Not yet but soon. Walla-walla. 23 skidoo. Copyright 1906 by the Powers Photo Eng. Co., Fastest Engravers on Earth, 154 Nassau St., N.Y.

Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol Membership Card

27 Jan 2015 3 4 2194
"Kolonel Keds personally certifies that bearer, whose name is on back of this card, is a member of Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol. Kolonel Keds." What kid in the 1960s wouldn't want to wear Keds sneakers and be a member of Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol! See below for the back of the card . In a later, less Martian-like incarnation, the Kolonel was portrayed by an actor wearing Keds and a Bell Rocket Belt , who swooped down from the sky in TV commercials and did heroic stuff like saving a school bus from an avalanche. Head over to YouTube and see it for yourself: Keds Sneakers with Jet Pack Kolonel Keds .

Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol Membership Card (Side 2…

27 Jan 2015 1 1467
"Member, Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol. Name ________ Address ________ City ________ State ________ Is entitled to all privileges of membership in Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol and may take part in all activities, open or secret, of the patrol. U.S. Keds." For more information, see the front of this Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol card :

American Federation of Butters Membership Ticket

09 Aug 2015 4 1462
"American Federation of Butters. Membership Ticket. Not transferable. This certifies that ________ is entitled to 'butt in' all conversations whether public or private. Billy Goat, president. Nan Goat, secretary."

Buzzer's Hot Air Club and Grand Order of Windjamme…

17 Feb 2017 3 1 903
For a similar membership card parody published as a postcard, see Independent Order of Hot Air Dispensers Membership Card (below). Buzzer's Hot Air Club and Grand Order of Windjammers This is to certify that Mr. ________ has been elected member of Buzzer's Hot Air Club and is allowed to expound his hot air at any time with police protection. A. Airmerchant. president.

Bloomsburg Flying Club Membership Card, ca. 1930s

27 Apr 2017 1 323
A membership card for a flying club in Bloomsburg , Pennsylvania. It's likely that the card dates to the 1930s. Bloomsburg Flying Club Bloomsburg, Penna. No. 60. This is to certify that ________ is a member in good standing ________. Not valid unless countersigned. ________, president. ________, secretary. ________, signature of member.

22 items in total