Just Before the Axe-ident

Accidents Waiting to Happen

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Just Before the Axe-ident

01 Oct 2013 2 3 1066
A young Lizzie Borden playing with her friends. 8-)

Careful with That Axe, Eugene!

02 Dec 2018 3 3 364
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of I Should Have Known Better - people engaged in potentially risky behavior or suffering the aftereffects of a mishap . I think this was intended to be funny, but it seems more scary than amusing.

Hatchet Job

24 May 2018 1 2 486
For the Vintage Photos Theme Park, a photo of troublemakers and misfits (that guy always was a troublemaker: photo featuring a misfit—someone set apart from the rest of the people by dress, action, expression, etc.) . A jolly bunch of men and women are posing under a tree—and on a tree house or platform attached to the tree—for what turned out to be an overexposed photo that then faded over time. After I scanned the photo and adjusted its contrast, I was able to spot some interesting details, like the beaming smiles on some of the women's faces and the bow ties and striped shirts worn by a few of the men. One fellow at upper right is smoking a pipe and holding the legs of a guy who's sitting on the railing above him. And then there's the dude who's smack dab in the middle of the group (see a cropped version for a close-up view). He's puffing on a cigarette and seems to be lunging toward a man in the front row. Judging by the blur of the hatchet he's holding in his raised hand, the man in front received a blow to the head just after the photographer snapped the photo. Or at least that seems to be what this troublemaker wanted us to believe. Notice, too, how the young woman to the left of the hatchet wielder is grinning. It's hard to tell if she's in on the joke or is actually oblivious to the impending hatchet chop. P.S. For another rabble-rouser caught on film, see Aieeeeee!!!

Hatchet Job (Cropped)

24 May 2018 1 252
For more information, see the full version of this photo.

Wishing the Woman Well

13 Jan 2017 3 5 496
A photo reflecting a wish (or) wishing for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. Like Ipernity, this woman seems to be in a precarious position. A couple of guys are jokingly holding her over the opening of a well as they pose for the photo. It appears to be a functioning well, with a bucket (barely visible next to the fellow on the left) attached to a chain and pulley to draw up water from the depths. In hindsight, I'd like to wish this woman well, with the hope that she didn't fall down into the water and go under. Likewise, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that Ipernity stays afloat and doesn't go under. (I wish that this didn't sound so convoluted, but I used my best wishing photo— Woman on the Wishing Seat in the Children's Zoo at the Bronx Zoo —for the are you sitting comfortably? theme a few months ago. 8-)

Girls with Guns

26 May 2015 6 2 1014
A bad behavior photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park.

Jerry Precariously

07 Oct 2015 7 1 943
A that could lead to trouble / danger photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. Handwritten note on the back of this photo: "Eng. No. 5. Dan rebuilt. Jerry in front." Stamped on the back: "This is a genuine Border Fox Tone Picture, made by Fox Company, San Antonio, Texas,...1927" ("Fox Co." also appears on the front in the lower right- and upper left-hand corners of the decorative border). Jerry precariously perches at the front of steam engine no. 5 as Dan (or someone else?) stands next to the cab at the back of the locomotive (mouse over the image above for a close-up view of the engine ). Judging by the smoke coming out of the smokestack, the engine is building up a head of steam, and it even appears that the train whistle is blowing, since steam is escaping from it. I hope that Jerry didn't lose his balance at the sound of the whistle or that his precarious pose on the locomotive didn't lead to any other trouble for him.

Jerry Precariously (Cropped)

07 Oct 2015 3 1 534
For more information, see the full version of this photo:

Man on Pole

12 Jun 2016 1 2 488
An all alone photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. "A. W. Switzer's Photo." A real photo postcard, date and location unknown. Mouse over the image for a close-up of the man on the pole .

Man on Pole (Detail)

12 Jun 2016 1 294
See also the full version of this real photo postcard:

Working Out on the High Beam

23 Aug 2013 4 1 1046
A real photo postcard, date and location unknown.

Bear on a Car

30 Dec 2018 1 528
Caption: "A native of Penn.'s Grand Canyon makes a call. 301." A real photo postcard by photographer Nelson Adelbert Caulkins (1874-1965). Seems a bit scary to me, but the woman doesn't appear to be too concerned that there's a bear on top of her car.

Danger—Keep Away from Edge of Cliff

01 Aug 2016 5 2 1006
Sign: "Danger. Keep away from edge of cliff." Unless you're having your picture taken, of course!

The Glorious 4th of July / The 5th of July

28 Jun 2011 2 1027
These stereographic cards are in poor shape even after some touch-up, but they're intriguing--and almost macabre--for their depiction of the perils of fireworks. Captions: "The Glorious 4th of July. No. 1." "The Fifth of July. No. 2." Printed on the front: "American and Foreign Views. Sold only by canvassers. New Educational Series. Stereoscopic views."

Three Kids in the Yard

17 Feb 2019 2 2 336
A photo of an accident waiting to happen for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. Three children pose in front of a flowering bush in this real photo postcard. The nonchalant way that the youngest kid is leaning on a gun seems like it could lead to an accident (see a cropped version for a better view of the kids). It wasn't until I scanned the photo that I noticed the strange toy—a stuffed bunny with a human-like doll's face—that's on the grass in front of the children (see a close-up of the toy ).

Three Kids in the Yard (Cropped)

17 Feb 2019 1 181
For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard.

Three Kids in the Yard (Detail)

17 Feb 2019 1 1 198
For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard.