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  Shooting date  /  2013  /  May   -   59 photos

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  • Weevil,  Ceutorhynchus sp. ?
  • hoverfly_002
  • Hoverfly
  • lily_beetle_001
  • Andrena carantonica (female).
  • Backlit Cornus Leaves.
  • Cornus Leaves
  • Cornus Leaves.
  • Cornus Leaves
  • Rove Beetle.
  • Myopa sp.
  • Myopa sp
  • Lacebug, Tingis cardui
  • Dung Fly.
  • Osmia bicornis
  • Tortrix Moth Caterpillar
  • Tortoiseshell Butterfly Portrait
  • Tortoiseshell portrait.
  • Drone Fly
  • Nomada Bee.
  • Nomada Bee
  • Nomada Bee
  • Nomada Bee
  • Osmia sp.
  • Osmia sp?
  • Red Campion
  • Red Campion (Silene dioica).
  • Orange Tip Butterfly. (Male)
  • Bourletiella hortensis.
  • Flea Beetle
  • Flea Beetle
  • Deuterosminthurus pallipes f. repanda
  • Spider, Clubiona comta?
  • Spider, Clubiona comta ??
  • Empis sp.
  • Empis sp.
  • Bibio sp.
  • Bibio sp.
  • Green Shieldbug Portrait.
  • Green Shieldbug Portrait.
  • Aradus depressus nymph ??
  • Nomada Bee
  • Nomada_Bee_004
  • Orchesella villosa.
  • Orchesella villosa
  • Drymus sylvaticus ??
  • The Snout moth caterpillar.
  • Caterpillar of The Snout Moth
  • The Snout moth caterpillar.
  • Caterpillar of The Snout Moth
  • Andrena labiata
  • Geometrid Moth Larva
  • Yellow Meadow Ant
  • Yellow Meadow Ant
  • Neanura muscorum
  • Rebutia pulvinosa
  • Cylindrophyllum comptonii
  • Orange Tip Butterfly Egg.
  • Dolycoris baccarum ( Hairy Shieldbug)