Pogonognathellus longicornis

Llanymynech Rocks Nature Reserve

Just a few images of the wildlife to be found at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

Pogonognathellus longicornis

02 Feb 2018 6 4 377
A fine specimen of the springtail Pogonognathellus longicornis. Taken at Llanymynech Rocks reserve on 2nd February 2018.

Clausilia dubia

02 Feb 2018 3 6 500
A rather attractive snail, Clausilia dubia, found on the limestone scree at Llanymynech Rocks reserve. 2nd February 2018.

Dicyrtoma fusca

26 Jan 2018 9 10 591
Dicyrtoma fusca I think, found at Llanymynech Rocks reserve on 26th January 2018. This specimen was about 1.5mm in length.

Orchesella villosa

26 Jan 2018 5 10 480
A large speciment of the springtail Orchesella villosa. This one is about 6mm in length. Taken at Llanymynech Rocks on January 26th 2018.

Orchesella cincta

26 Jan 2018 7 8 476
A springtail, Orchesella cincta, feeding at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve January 26th 2018. This one is about 4mm in length.

Common Blue Butterfly (Polyommatus icarus)

25 May 2017 7 8 710
Polyommatus icarus, The Common Blue butterfly at rest on an unfurling frond of bracken at Llanymynech Rocks reserve.

Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary

24 May 2017 6 4 892
A Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary feeding from a buttercup at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve. May 2017.

Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi)

24 May 2017 4 4 711
Callophrys rubi, the Green Hairstreak Butterfly taken at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve, May 2017.

Take off

10 May 2017 5 4 585
A beetle prepares for flight at Llanymynech Rocks reserve.

Chorthippus brunneus (Field Grasshopper)

17 Aug 2015 3 668
A Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus) enjoying the sunshine at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

Aelia acuminata (Bishops Mitre Shieldbug)

13 May 2015 3 2 697
A Bishops Mitre Shieldbug (Aelia acuminata) at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve. It was a pleasant surprise to find these beautiful little Shieldbugs had made their home here.

Aelia acuminata (Bishops Mitre Shieldbug)

13 May 2015 1 643
A Bishops Mitre Shieldbug (Aelia acuminata) at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve. It was a pleasant surprise to find these beautiful little Shieldbugs had made their home here.


13 May 2015 3 2 606
A tiny weevil at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

Common Cardinal Beetle (Pyrochroa serraticornis)

13 May 2015 4 2 562
A Cardinal Beetle (Pyrochroa serraticornis) seen at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve. Apologies for my recent long absence, my computer expired and so I had little or no access to the net. Its taken me a while to get the bits together to build another and even now I can't decide which Linux distro to choose, Suse or Mint Linux, Decisions, decisions!

Caloplaca flavescens

10 Mar 2015 3 2 867
Caloplaca flavescens growing on exposed limestone at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve.

Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii)

31 May 2014 4 1 567
A Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii) blooms at Llanymynech Rocks Nature reserve in Shropshire. Taken in May 2014.

Click Beetle.

14 May 2014 5 2 669
A Click Beetle seen at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve during May 2014

Heliophanus cupreus

15 May 2014 9 1 869
A tiny jumping spider, Heliophanus cupreus I think (would welcome confirmation) photographed at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve last May. Now confirmed as most likely to be Heliophanus cupreus based on the dark femora on all legs, its the commonest species that looks like this. Microscopic examination would be needed to fully confirm ID. My thanks to Nigel Cane-Honeyset.

45 items in total