A shed skin of a globular springtail.

Collembola (Springtails)

Shropshire Collembola.
The Springtails of Shropshire.

A shed skin of a globular springtail.

28 Nov 2011 286
A shed skin of a Globular springtail, taken at 5x magnification, uncropped. Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

A Sundew (Drosera paradoxa) catches a Springtail (…

01 Apr 2010 728
Full frame uncropped image. Natural light taken at 7x magnification. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Allacma fusca

19 Jun 2012 1 519
A large globular Springtail, Allacma fusca. Uncropped image taken at Lyth Hill, Shropshire..

Bourletiella hortensis

07 Jul 2012 414
Taken at 5x magnification and uncropped. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Bourletiella hortensis

28 May 2012 420
I've seen a few of these globular springtails recently but this is the first time I have managed a decent image, they can move very quickly if they so choose and the slightest vibration causes them to spring away. Taken in Shrewsbury, Shropshire at 5x magnification and uncropped.

Bourletiella hortensis

28 May 2012 466
I've seen a few of these globular springtails recently but this is the first time I have managed a decent image, they can move very quickly if they so choose and the slightest vibration causes them to spring away. Taken in Shrewsbury, Shropshire at 5x magnification and uncropped.

Bourletiella hortensis.

13 May 2013 1 426
A couple of Globular Springtails, Bourletiella hortensis on dead plant stems in my garden. These are everywhere at the moment. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Calvatomina nr superba

20 Oct 2012 355
Uncropped image taken at 5x magnification. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Calvatomina nr superba

12 Oct 2012 1 333
A globular springtail, Calvatomina nr superba in my garden, full flash and uncropped. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Calvatomina nr superba

14 Sep 2012 434
A Globular Springtail, Calvatomina nr superba feeding in my garden.Uncropped image taken at 5x magnification. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Calvatomina nr superba

14 Sep 2012 1 412
A Globular Springtail, Calvatomina nr superba feeding in my garden.Uncropped image taken at 5x magnification. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Calvatomina nr superba

27 Feb 2014 2 662
A tiny specimen of the globular springtail Calvatomina nr superba taken at 5x magnification. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Calvatomina nr superba

07 Jul 2012 495
Taken at 5x magnification and uncropped. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Calvatomina nr superba

07 Jul 2012 1 406
Taken at 5x magnification and uncropped. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Calvatomina nr superba

08 Aug 2012 1 476
A globular springtail, Calvatomina nr superba in my garden. Taken at 5x magnification and uncropped. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Calvatomina nr superba

07 Jan 2012 396
A globular springtail, Calvatomina nr superba taken at 5x magnification and uncropped. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Calvatomina nr superba

04 Jul 2012 410
A globular springtail, Calvatomina nr superba taken in my garden at 5x magnification and uncropped. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Calvatomina nr superba

17 Mar 2012 365
A globular springtail, Calvatomina nr superba taken at 5x magnification and uncropped. Shrewsbury Shropshire.

397 items in total