A Peacock Butterfly caterpillar ready to pupate.


A Peacock Butterfly caterpillar ready to pupate.

01 Aug 2010 367
A Peacock Butterfly caterpillar hangs from a silken pad underneath a Nettle leaf, ready to change into a chrysalis. Natural light. Full frame uncropped image.

Anarta myrtilli (Beautiful Yellow Underwing Moth)…

07 Aug 2015 2 1 488
A half grown larva of The Beautiful Yellow Underwing Moth feeding on heather at The Stiperstones, Shropshire.

Angleshades caterpillar

18 Mar 2009 222
Angleshades Moth larva. Full frame uncropped image.


25 Jun 2012 233
I found several of these larvae on a lichen covered tree stump in an old oak wood. The cases seemed to be made from a variety of materials including beetle elytra and body parts and were enormous in comparison to the size of the tiny larvae that inhabited them. The cases were between 10 and 15 mm in length. Uncropped image.

Bagworm closeup

25 Jun 2012 200
A closeup shot of the actual Bagworm larva in its case.

Beautiful Yellow Underwing Moth Caterpillar

04 Sep 2011 155
Natural light, uncropped.

Beautiful Yellow Underwing Moth Caterpillar.

04 Sep 2011 151
Natural light, uncropped.

Buff Tip Moth Larvae

29 Aug 2013 8 3 405
A group of Buff Tip Moth Caterpillars that are about to change skins. Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

Buff-tip Moth Larva (Phalera bucephala)

08 Aug 2013 8 5 1196
A newly hatched caterpillar of the Buff Tip Moth (Phalera bucephala), Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

Burnet Moth Caterpillar

06 Jun 2012 216
A fully fed Burnet Moth caterpillar in the process of spinning its cocoon. Natural light and uncropped.

Burnet Moth Caterpillar.

20 Jun 2011 182
A Burnet Moth Caterpillar, this is the end that eats!


06 Jun 2011 151
Natural light, uncropped.


06 Jun 2011 161
Natural light, uncropped.


06 May 2009 396
Tiny caterpillar taken at 5X magnification. Full frame uncropped image.


05 Jan 2009 184
Caterpillar in defensive rolled up position. Full frame uncropped image.

Caterpillar of The Snout Moth

17 May 2013 1 504
An almost fully grown caterpillar of The Snout Moth, found feeding on Nettles, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, May 17th 2013.

Caterpillar of The Snout Moth

17 May 2013 3 1 394
An almost fully grown caterpillar of The Snout Moth, found feeding on Nettles, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, May 17th 2013.


17 May 2011 180
Full frame uncropped image.

182 items in total