A Peacock Butterfly caterpillar ready to pupate.


A Peacock Butterfly caterpillar ready to pupate.

01 Aug 2010 381
A Peacock Butterfly caterpillar hangs from a silken pad underneath a Nettle leaf, ready to change into a chrysalis. Natural light. Full frame uncropped image.

Anthocharis cardamines (Female)

01 Jun 2013 10 2 987
A female Orange Tip Butterfly, (Anthocharis cardamines ), resting on an Aquilegia flower bud. Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

Anthocharis cardamines (Female)

29 Apr 2014 17 4 925
A beautiful female Orange Tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) at rest on Alliaria petiolata (Garlic Mustard), one of its larval food plants


15 Sep 2009 310
Full frame uncropped image.


15 Sep 2009 287
Full frame uncropped image.

Brown Argus

24 Jul 2011 249
Natural light, uncropped.

Brown Argus

24 Jul 2011 341
Natural light, uncropped.

Brown Argus

24 Jul 2011 247
Natural light, uncropped.

Brown Argus Butterfly.

20 Jul 2011 311
Found in Shropshire. Natural light, uncropped.

Brown Argus Butterfly.

20 Jul 2011 344
Seen in Shropshire. Natural l;ight, uncropped.

Brown Argus Butterfly.

20 Jul 2011 302
Seen in Shropshire. Natural light, uncropped.

Brown Argus Butterfly.

20 Jul 2011 251
Found in Shropshire. Natural light, uncropped.

Buff-tip Moth Larva (Phalera bucephala)

08 Aug 2013 8 4 1228
A newly hatched caterpillar of the Buff Tip Moth (Phalera bucephala), Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

Butterfly Eye

23 Apr 2011 2 2 396
Close up of a Green Veined White Butterfly eye. Full frame uncropped image.

Butterfly Wing

04 Aug 2009 296
Wing scales on the wing of a Peacock Butterfly. Full frame uncropped image.

Butterfly Wing

04 Aug 2009 1 339
Wing scales on the wing of a Peacock Butterfly. Full frame uncropped image.


13 Aug 2009 310
Full frame uncropped image.


06 May 2009 410
Tiny caterpillar taken at 5X magnification. Full frame uncropped image.

204 items in total