Lunch at Quilandi


A visit to the north of Kerala - August 2008

26 Jun 2006

4 favorites


1 392 visits

Lunch at Quilandi

New hotel in Quilandi, north of Calicut in Kerala, India

06 Sep 2008

819 visits

Making waves

Near Calicut in Kerala State, India

28 Jun 2006

8 favorites

750 visits


Kappad, Kerala, India

29 Jun 2006

1 favorite

797 visits

Seventy-five milligrammes

Aspirin dissolving in Kerala, India

27 Jun 2006

1 comment

655 visits


27 Jun 2006

1 favorite

945 visits


Kappad Beach, near Calicut in Kerala, India *Best viewed as large as possible*

28 Jun 2006

579 visits

Yellow and black

Seen at Kappad Beach in Kerala, India

24 Jun 2006

1 favorite

947 visits

Ora pro nobis

Mahe was a French colony - the size of a large village -on the west coast of India until the 1950s. It was part of the colony of Pondicherry, located on the east coast of India. This multilingual prayer is at the main entrance to the church of St Therese. Note the French inscription.

24 Jun 2006


859 visits

When Mahe was French

Mahe was a French colony - the size of a large village -on the west coast of India until the 1950s. It was part of the colony of Pondicherry, located on the east coast of India. This 'station of the cross' is in the church of St Therese. Note the French inscription.
41 items in total