King Zog's study


King Zog of Albania lived here in exile from 1941 to 1946, when he and his family moved to Egypt

06 Jul 2014

453 visits

King Zog's study

06 Jul 2014

442 visits

King Zog posed here once

06 Jul 2014

1 favorite

583 visits

Bee-ing at Parmoor

06 Jul 2014

1 favorite

497 visits

Ceiling of the dining room

06 Jul 2014

472 visits

Parmoor from the garden

King Zog's stuy was in the rounded bit on the ground floor

06 Jul 2014

462 visits

Up the main stairs

06 Jul 2014

477 visits

In the dining room

06 Jul 2014

684 visits

Our guide at Parmoor House

06 Jul 2014

445 visits

Adam at Parmoor House