
Mostly London.

11 May 2006

7 favorites


1 171 visits

Golden waves

Between Albert and Battersea bridges on the south bank of the River Thames

11 May 2006

3 favorites

1 comment

985 visits

Sunset over Chelsea

Near Battersea Bridge, River Thames, London

10 May 2006

3 favorites

733 visits

Police car

Russell Square, London

11 May 2006

1 favorite

950 visits

Riding into the sunset

Battersea Bridge on the River Thames

11 May 2006

1 favorite

1 438 visits

Dark beauty

Chelsea Old Church in the background.

11 May 2006

6 favorites

1 comment

1 107 visits


Battersea Bridge on the River Thames

11 May 2006

594 visits

Battersea Bridge

Battersea Bridge over the River Thames, London

11 May 2006

932 visits

Les illuminations

Battersea Bridge, London

17 May 2006

1 favorite

1 comment

448 visits


Pavement near to Sloane Square, London
107 items in total