Wet street

Bad Weather!

06 Apr 2008

2 favorites

1 comment

969 visits

Salt River

Salt River, near Observatory in Cape Town

15 Feb 2006

1 favorite

755 visits

So much for global warming!

It's snowing again in London! 6 April 2008

12 Apr 2008

697 visits

Winter on the Karroo

Near Matjiesfontein, Cape Province, South Africa

21 Feb 2006

755 visits

Column and Wheel

Nelson's Column and the London Eye reflected in a window of the Sainsbury Wing of London's National Gallery.

22 Feb 2006

4 favorites


1 325 visits


21 Feb 2006

640 visits

Waiting for summer

Green Park, London temperature <10 Celcius!!!

22 Feb 2006

21 favorites


3 909 visits

Five kiosks - ringing in the rain!

Near Covent Garden Opera House

22 Feb 2006

1 favorite

900 visits

Wet cobbles

Near Longacre, Covent Garden, London

23 Feb 2006

1 favorite

1 comment

731 visits

Threatening sky

34 items in total