Frister & Rossmann


08 Feb 2009

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1 342 visits


Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

08 Feb 2009

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1 451 visits

Sweet smoke

The chimney of the large sugar factory at Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk, UK. Viewed from Tesco's car park! Smoke Gets in Your Eyes - The Platters

31 Jan 2009

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1 079 visits

Quintessentially British

In a pub near to Orford Ness, in Suffolk. I cannot bear green peas, but they always seem to find their way on to plates of fish and chips. Traditionally, this dish (minus the peas!) used to be served wrapped up in newspaper. Die Forelle - Franz Schubert

05 Apr 2009

5 favorites


979 visits

Garden door

Audley End House, Essex

05 Apr 2009

2 favorites

960 visits


An old MG seen at Audley End House, Essex

05 Apr 2009

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926 visits


An amazing topiary hedge at Audley End House, Essex, UK

02 Sep 2015

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264 visits

Gull and waves

Southwold, Suffolk (UK)

02 Sep 2015

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380 visits

Stormy sea

Southwold, Suffolk (UK)

02 Sep 2015

7 favorites

1 comment

398 visits

Beach huts

Southwold, Suffolk (UK)
72 items in total