Visage de printemps

Round pictures

17 Mar 2008

2 favorites

1 244 visits


Science Museum in London

31 Jan 2006

1 favorite

559 visits

Time and space

Based on a clockface seen at the Wilkinson's Jam Museum, Tiptree, Essex

31 Jan 2006

1 favorite

915 visits

Duck flying

Sudbury, Suffolk

14 Feb 2006

1 favorite

749 visits

Looking up 2

Little Green, Richmond, Surrey

16 Feb 2006

1 favorite

813 visits

The shining

St Bartholomew - the -Less Church, London.

09 Apr 2008

1 favorite

934 visits

A pedestrian crossing

A bridge linking two municipal buildings near Earl Court, London

16 Feb 2006

729 visits

Munch on the metro

Apologies to Edvard!

23 Feb 2006

5 favorites

1 comment

911 visits


This organisation makes efforts to make Nottinghill Gate a more pleasant place

16 Feb 2006

719 visits

City fountain

Near the Central Criminal Court, London
37 items in total