Old and new


Within the old London city wall

21 Apr 2006

6 favorites


989 visits

Saving face

The facade is saved, the rest of the building is demolished. Near London Bridge

30 Apr 2006

1 favorite

649 visits

Golden masks

The school of drama at the Barbican Centre, London

22 Jun 2008

5 favorites


1 072 visits


Barbican, London

18 May 2006

800 visits

Under Cloud

St Pauls Cathedral, London. (Hand held HDR)

17 May 2006

3 favorites

787 visits

Vertical stack

Near Fenchurch Street in the City of London

24 May 2006

2 favorites

1 089 visits

Dome in the dark

St Pauls Cathedral, London. Seen from the roof of the National Theatre.

08 Sep 2008

4 favorites

900 visits

Bus conductor

A dying breed. In the past, all double-decker buses had conductors as well as drivers. Now there are only two routes (9 and 15) that have buses with conductors. All of the other bus routes are served by buses with passenger doors to prevent people from jumping on and off moving buses. Today. conductors are confined to the two routes that are served by the old-fashioned "Routemaster" buses that do not have doors at the passenger entrance.

18 Oct 2008

1 favorite

1 104 visits

Good evening, Gherkin

The "Gherkin" (Swiss Re insurance building) as seen from Westferry Circus at Canary Wharf on the Isle of Dogs

02 May 2009

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1 comment

958 visits


Canary Wharf on the Isle of Dogs in east London - a business hub of London. Viewed from the river.
66 items in total