Hamilton Finlay


Kensington Gardens are continuous with, but distinct from Hyde Park, which lies east of it.

10 Feb 2008

731 visits

Diana's walk

Kensington Gardens, London

10 Feb 2008

1 favorite

723 visits

A fine spray

Kensington Gardens, London

10 Feb 2008

641 visits


Kensington Gardens, London

10 Feb 2008

946 visits

These boots are made for ...

William the Third (William of Orange) Kensington Gardens, London

10 Feb 2008

1 favorite

1 comment

690 visits

drink from the fish

Kensington Gardens, London

10 Feb 2008

1 031 visits

St Govors well

Kensington Gardens, London

10 Feb 2008

1 comment

1 325 visits

Give it to me!

She had just taken a photo, and he wants the camera! Kensington Gardens, London

10 Feb 2008

1 favorite

1 247 visits

History cannot be erased completely

At the entrance to the former Czechoslovak embassy, now the Czech embassy

10 Feb 2008


1 276 visits

Young Victoria

Statue of the young Queen Victoria in London's Kensington Gardens
89 items in total