Swan en route


04 Feb 2008

1 favorite

793 visits

Grey bird and goose

Regent's Park, London
Slowing down

20 Feb 2006

893 visits

Slowing down

Holland Park, London

06 Sep 2008

6 favorites


1 082 visits

Floral firework

Regents Park, London

06 Sep 2008

616 visits

Outdoor activity

I spotted this group sheltering from the rain under a bandstand in Regents Park, London. I have no idea what they were doing. In the middle of the seated group there seems to be something with Chinese (? Japanese) characters on it.

14 Sep 2008

4 favorites

1 comment

1 193 visits

Lunar light

Viewed from the Inner Circle of London's Regents Park

14 Sep 2008

1 favorite

1 comment

1 217 visits

Moon over Euston

The moon and Euston Tower viewed from Regent's Park, London

07 Jun 2009

4 favorites

963 visits


Fountain in the Princess Alexandra Rose Garden at London's Regents Park

07 Jun 2009

7 favorites

1 comment

1 075 visits


A bee at work in London's Regents Park.

29 Mar 2010

930 visits

Flaming in the rain

Tulips in the rain at London's Regents Park
55 items in total