

17 Aug 2011

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973 visits


"Tyneham Village in Dorset has been deserted for over 60 years, since the second world war. Before that it was an idyllic countryside village...All this changed just before the Christmas of 1943 when the villagers were told they must leave temporarily,however they have not been allowed to return to this day and the village of Tyneham has remained as if frozen in time for the last 60 years." See:

17 Aug 2011

734 visits

A and B

When I was young all public call boxes had this equipment. You inserted the coins, dialled the number, and if you were connected, you pressed button A. If not, you pressed button B, and your coins were refunded. Tyneham, Dorset

17 Aug 2011

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1 comment

661 visits

Hearth and Home

Tyneham was evacuated in 1943 to become part of a military training area.

17 Aug 2011

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846 visits

To drink or not to drink

One sign forbids drinking, the other encourages. Tyneham Village, Dorset.

17 Aug 2011

5 favorites


713 visits

Room with a view

Tyneham, Dorset.

17 Aug 2011

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678 visits

Only the dead remain

Only the dead inhabit the deserted village of Tyneham in Dorset