Morris Oxford


"The Hindustan Ambassador is a car manufactured by Hindustan Motors of India. It has been in production since 1958 with few modifications or changes and is based on the Morris Oxford III model first made by the Morris Motor Company at Cowley, Oxford in the United Kingdom from 1956 to 1959." (quoted from

18 Aug 2011

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858 visits

Morris Oxford

This is the car that is still made in India, where it is known as the 'Ambassador'. Seen at a car show in Christchurch, Dorset, England.

25 Jul 2010

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Mother Mary bless our way

A taxi at Colva Beach, Goa (India).

08 Mar 2008

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Rare in London

The Hisndustan Ambasssador car commonly seen in India is rarely seen in London's streets. this well-kept example was parked near Bayswater, London.

05 Jan 2008

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Old and new

Reflection of a Ford Ikon in the window of an Hindustan Ambassador car. "The Hindustan Ambassador is a model of car manufactured by Hindustan Motors of India. It has been in production since 1957 and is based on the Morris Oxford model first made by the Morris Motor Company at Cowley, Oxford in the United Kingdom." (from : )

23 Jul 2010

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806 visits

Crowded Ambassador

An Ambassador taxi leaving Colva in Goa (India)

21 Jul 2010

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Ambassador on the beach

Ambassador taxi waiting against the background of the palm fringed beach at Colva, Goa, India. The small hut in the background is the lifesaver's observation post.

01 Jul 2006

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Seen in Koramangala, Bangalore, India

24 Jun 2006

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1 519 visits

Driving rain

Quilandi in Kerala, India

02 Mar 2006

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1 269 visits

Karma cab

An imported Indian Hindustan Ambassador used as a whacky taxi in London. See: and
13 items in total