The bridge that was


Crossing the River Tungabadra near Hampi in Karnataka State, India.

29 Dec 2009

829 visits

The bridge that was

The bridge that was built across the River Tungabadra at Hampi was not a great success! So the small circular coracles that have been used since time immemorial remain the method for getting across the river.

29 Dec 2009

881 visits

Coracles and rocks

These coracles made of basketwork have served as ferries across the River Tungabadra since time immemorial. (Karnataka State, India)

29 Dec 2009

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835 visits

Baling out

The coracles pick up a great deal of water as they cross the river. This needs to be baled out before the next crossing.

29 Dec 2009

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762 visits


In addition to two crew members, the coracles carry about 10 to 12 people and up to two motorbicycles.

29 Dec 2009

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770 visits

Fully loaded

One of the crew pushes the loaded coracle off the bottom of the river into the deeper water.

29 Dec 2009

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838 visits

En voyage

The loaded coracle being paddled across the river.

29 Dec 2009

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672 visits

Preparing for departure

The coracles pick up a great deal of water as they cross the river. This needs to be baled out before the next crossing.