Great grille


Taken on a visit to Lisbon in October 2009

17 Oct 2009

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884 visits

Great grille

A wrought iron screen covering the entrance to a chapel in the apse of Lisbon's Se (Cathedral)

17 Oct 2009

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1 077 visits

Elevador St Justa & bridge

The Elevador Sta Justa whisks you up from Baixa to Bairro Alto

17 Oct 2009

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883 visits

Walk on Lisbon

Many of the pavements of Lisbon are covered by mosaics of stones such as illustrated above.

17 Oct 2009

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776 visits

The slope by the Se

A tram descends the hill upon which Lisbon's cathedral (known as the 'Se') sits.

18 Oct 2009

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1 115 visits

Red tram

Alfama district of Lisbon. The red tram is a tourist vehicle, as opposed to regular public transport (yellow trams).

17 Oct 2009

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865 visits

Towering above the city

The towers of Lisbon's Se (cathedral) look down over the lower part of the city centre (Baixa)

17 Oct 2009

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825 visits

Greenery in the cloister

The cloister of Lisbon's Se (cathedral)

17 Oct 2009

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1 113 visits

Noisy Nativity

A nativity scene (baroque era?) in the apse of Lisbon's Se (cathedral)

17 Oct 2009

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979 visits

Reading in bed

Tomb in Lisbon's Se (Cathedral)
73 items in total