Reflective confusion


Sculpture by Anish Kapoor in the courtyard of the Royal Academy, Piccadilly, London.

05 Oct 2009

3 favorites

655 visits


This amazing sculpture in the courtyard of the Royal Academy of Arts in London's Piccadilly is by Anish Kapoor

05 Oct 2009

5 favorites

1 comment

975 visits


This amazing sculpture in the courtyard of the Royal Academy of Arts in London's Piccadilly is by Anish Kapoor

05 Oct 2009

5 favorites


1 129 visits

Like skulls

This amazing sculpture in the courtyard of the Royal Academy of Arts in London's Piccadilly is by Anish Kapoor

05 Oct 2009

4 favorites

1 comment

1 459 visits

Reflective confusion

This amazing sculpture in the courtyard of the Royal Academy of Arts in London's Piccadilly is by Anish Kapoor