Adam *'s photos

01 Oct 2007

544 visits

Open air bar

In Bangalore.

01 Oct 2007

641 visits

Bangalore Club Christmas Lights

01 Oct 2007

1 favorite

636 visits

Evening palms

30 Sep 2007

367 visits

Front porches

30 Sep 2007

368 visits

Slovakian embassy

30 Sep 2007

383 visits

Leaf cover

30 Sep 2007

547 visits

Bohemian Glass

This forms part of the gateway to the former Czechoslovak Embassy in London. It now belongs to the Slovak part of the building.

30 Sep 2007

632 visits

Czech Embassy

30 Sep 2007

1 favorite

1 comment

697 visits

Garden Sculpture

Sculpture outside Czech Embassy, London.