Thompson River, BC Canada


Silver Lake, BC

11 Nov 2020 4 3 59
Situated in the scenic Skagit Valley, Silver Lake Provincial Park is a small, largely undeveloped lakefront area. Visitors can enjoy fishing, picnicking and boating (10hp motor limit) against a spectacular mountain backdrop or take pleasure in a rustic camping experience. Near Hope, BC Canada

Saturday Morning.

Picture through windshield.

21 Mar 2021 2 2 27

Picture through windshield.

British Columbia, Canada

Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada

Fraser River near Williams Lake, BC

Fraser River, Chilcotin Highway.

View from front door.

09 May 2021 1 2 29

View from front door.

09 May 2021 3 1 26

Near Quesnel, BC Canada

02 Jun 2021 4 3 45
Fuel Management Trails - Quesnel, BC. Going for a walk I thought "Hmm...wonder if there are bears around here..." sure enough, there's one! So I did not go very far."

Radium Hot Springs, BC Canada

15 Jun 2021 3 3 41
Photo by my son Floyd Schotel.

Lac Des Roches

25 Jul 2021 6 5 41
Lac Des Roches. - Canada Taken on the motorcycle ride back to Quesnel. Nestled within the heart of the BC wilderness lies Lac Des Roches. Smoke from forest fires is covering this area. Since April 1, 338.897 hectares has been burned so far this year. (Source BC Government) 2021

Harrison Lake, BC - Canada

703 items in total