Barkerville, BC

Black and White

  • Cuba
  • Cuba
  • Baker Creek on Sunday Morning.
  • Girl and her Horse
  • Decay in North America
  • I watched a documentary about Route 66. These are photos I took from my TV screen.
  • Decay in North America
  • Route 66
  • Route 66
  • Ashcroft, BC
  • Man Icefishing.
  • Man Icefishing.
  • Man Icefishing.
  • Bedroom upstairs.
  • Cottonwood House.
  • Baker Creek Area
  • Baker Creek
  • Fort St. James
  • Barkerville in winter.
  • Bridge across Creek.
  • Smoke in the sky, Forest Fires.
  • Wells, BC
  • Near Spences Bridge, BC
  • South West Saskatchewan
  • South West Saskatchewan
  • South West Saskatchewan
  • At Cottonwood, BC
  • Dragon Fly in Apple Tree.
  • Firewood.
  • South of Cache Creek, BC, Canada
  • Quesnel, BC
  • Quesnel, BC
  • The Fraser River in Quesnel, BC Canada
  • Quesnel River Rail Bridge
  • -28C out there!
  • A bit of snow overnight. There was nothing on that table last night.
  • Jolly Penguin
  • Penguin
  • Angel Bear
  • Nov. 18, 2022
  • Fraser River in Quesnel, BC
  • The Lightning Hotel in Stanley, BC
  • "The Lightning Hotel" - The last standing building in Stanley, BC
  • Moffat Bridge - Quesnel, BC
  • Ceal Tingley Park - Quesnel, BC
  • West Fraser Timber Park - Quesnel, BC
  • Creek in the morning.
  • In West Quesnel, BC
  • The Berries.
  • The Birdhouse.
  • The Apples.
  • The Moose Horns.
  • Back Yard.
  • Stewart, BC Canada

404 items in total