Walther Kirchoff & Martha Leffler-Burckhard

Opera's Golden Age In Postcards

Fritz Schroder

03 May 2018 303
as Walter von Stolzing in "Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg" Wagner Karl Schroder 1886-1923 German Tenor Studied in Dusseldorf , Debut 1910 at Elberfeld. Stadttheater Bremen (1911-13) and sang at the f Bayreuth 1911-12 . . 1913 first lyric tenor at the Cologne Opera House the culmination of his career. Here he mainly sang parts from the field of Italian and French opera and was particularly popular with the public of the Cologne Opera House. He was also involved in several world premieres and premieres of importance

Suzanne Adams

03 May 2018 359
Suzanne Adams 1872-1953 American Soprano Studied in Paris with Bouhy and later Marchesi. Debut in Paris as Juliette' Sang in Paris , Covent Garden and Met NY, By 1907 she was appearing in variety

John McCormack

03 May 2018 253
John McCormack 1884-1945 Irish later American tenor Studied in Dublin with Vincent O'Brien and with Sabatini. Opera debut 1906 at Savona in 1906 as Beppe in "L'Amico Fritz' . Sang in Italian provinces and returned to london . 1907 first appearance at Covent Garden as Turridu and remained until 1914. toured with Melba in Australia in 1911.His roles included Edgardo, Alfredo , Elvino , Gerald , Rodolfo, Almaviva , cassio , Pinkerton , Romeo and Cavadossi

John McCormack

03 May 2018 305
John McCormack 1884-1945 Irish later American tenor Studied in Dublin with Vincent O'Brien and with Sabatini. Opera debut 1906 at Savona in 1906 as Beppe in "L'Amico Fritz' . Sang in Italian provinces and returned to london . 1907 first appearance at Covent Garden as Turridu and remained until 1914. toured with Melba in Australia in 1911.His roles included Edgardo, Alfredo , Elvino , Gerald , Rodolfo, Almaviva , cassio , Pinkerton , Romeo and Cavadossi

Vera Courtnay

03 May 2018 396
As Lakme , "Lakme" by Delibes Vera Courtnay (Vera Lane Thomas) 1869- American Soprano Studied in Paris with Carvalho , Debut 1896 as Dinorah in "Pardon de Ploermel" by Meyerbeer . Sang at Opera Comique from 1900 , Grau engaged her for the Met in 1902 , 909-1910 American tour and 1910 at the Manhatten , Role included Violetta "la traviata" Verdi , Micaela "Carmen" bizet , Manon "Manon" Massenet , Fairy "Cendrillon" Massenet Santuzza . Cavaeria Rusticana" Leoncavallo , Mimi "La Boheme" Puccini and Mirielle 'Mirielle" by Gounod

Grete Holm

03 May 2018 317
As Zorika in "Zigeuner Liebe" by Lehar CREATOR 1910 Grete Holm (Margarethe Hersch) 1884-194? Czech Soprano Studied Brno and with Papier-Paumgartner in Vienna , Debut 1905 at German theatreBrno as Marie in "le Fille de Regiment" by Donizetti where she remained until 1910 . From 1908 her roles were mainly in operetta . She created many roles for Oscar Strauss and Lehar including Nadine in "the Chocolate Soldier" in 1908 .She dissapeared during WW2 where her and her 2nd husband Alois Schweinburg were interned in Modiliborzyce Ghetto in Poland near Lubin they were declared dead at the end of the war 8/5/1945

Albine Nagel

03 May 2018 320
as Salome "Salome" by Strauss Albine Nagel- Ballin 1884-1969 Austrian Soprano Began at the Municipal Theartre of opera 1902-1904. Brno 1907-1910 , Court theatre Coburg 1911-1912 , Accepted at the Court Theatre Brauschweig and stayed until 1933 , Guest appearances at Prague , Dresden , Leipzig , Weimer and Weisbaden , Her roles included Senta 'Flyung Dutchman" wagner . Eva "Die Meistersanger Nuremberg" Wagner , Frea ,Seiglinde , , Guntrune " Der Ring des Nibelungen " Wagner Salome & Elektra Strauss

Ellen Brandt-Forster

03 May 2018 521
Ellen Brandt-Forster 1866-1921 Austrian Soprano Studied vienna with Dustmann, Debut 1885 at Danzig as Margauerite "Faust" gounod , In 1886 appeared as Floermaiden at bayreuth and joined the Hofoper Vienna in 1887 where she remained until her retirement in 1909 , Her roles included Clarissa "Die drei Pintos" , Lola " Cavalleria Rusticana" . Created Sophie in "Werther" 1892

Robert Watkin-Mills

03 May 2018 261
Robert Watkin-Mills 1856-1930 English Baritone Studied with Blume , Debut Crystal palace Concert 1884, 1885 Sang for Carl Rosa he sang one performance of Baldassare in "La Favorit' by Donizetti , He was offered a contract but turned it down in favour of a concert career .He established himself as a leading oratorio singer He toured Australia, USA and Canada

Freidrich Plaschke

03 May 2018 252
as Valentine ' Faust" Gounod Freidrich Plaschke 1875-1952 Czech Bass-baritone From 1900 to 1937 he was a member of the Dresden Hofoper. He also appeared as a guest artist with companies in the United States, the Bayreuth Festival, and at the Royal Opera House in London. At the Dresden Opera, he appeared in five Richard Strauss premieres: Feuersnot, Salome, Die ägyptische Helena, Die schweigsame Frau, and Arabella. He was married from 1911 to the soprano, Eva von der Osten, who in that year created the role of Octavian in Strauss's Der Rosenkavalier.

Elisaveta Petrenko

03 May 2018 250
Elisaveta Petrenko 1880-1951 Russian Contralto Studied at St Petersburg Conservatory with Iretskoy and with Mmme Ferni-Giraldoni. Upon completion of her studies , she secured an engagement at the Marinsky where she appeared until 1915 . She appeared for a season at Theatre des Champs Elysees in 1909 ,After the outbreak of war she joined the ensemble of the musucal drama theatre Petrograd , After the revolution she moved to Moscow , from this period she was active as a teacher in 1935 she was appointed professor of voice at the Leningrad Conservatory

Amadeo Bassi

03 May 2018 235
as Frederic "Chopin" Orefice Amadeo Bassi 1874-1949 Italian Tenor Debut 1897 at Castelfliorentine in title role of "Ruy Blas" bt Marchetti . Sang Genoa, Verona , Florence , San Carlo Naples and Venice he was invited to South America were he was a regular visitor between 1902-1907 He sang at Covent Garden and New York Met .He retired at La Scala in 1925 , His roles included Cavadossi, Rodolfo,Loris, Faust and Radames

Lily Dupre

03 May 2018 351
Lily Dupre 1881-1958 Swiss Soprano

Lucy Vauthrin

03 May 2018 215
Lucy Vauthrin 1885-1945 French Soprano Debut opera comique 1905 in "la Troupe Jolicœur "(Geneviève) she also sang at Theater de la Gaite roles included Joan "La vivandiere " , Manon ' by Jules Massenet , Mimi "La Boheme" by Puccini , les Noces de Jeannette (Jeannette), Werther (Sophie), Grisélidis (Bertrade), le Jongleur de Notre-Dame (Voix d'ange).

Lucy Vauthrin

03 May 2018 331
Lucy Vauthrin 1885-1945 French Soprano Debut opera comique 1905 in "la Troupe Jolicœur "(Geneviève) she also sang at Theater de la Gaite roles included Joan "La vivandiere " , Manon ' by Jules Massenet , Mimi "La Boheme" by Puccini , les Noces de Jeannette (Jeannette), Werther (Sophie), Grisélidis (Bertrade), le Jongleur de Notre-Dame (Voix d'ange).

Jeanne Greville-Reache

03 May 2018 258
as Dalila "Samson & Dalila" by Saint-Seans Jeanne Greville-Reache 1882-1915 French Contralto Studied with Rosine Laborde and Viardot-Garcia. Debut 1899 Opera Comique as Orphee .Created Genvieve "Pelleas et Melisande" Debussy 1902. Sang at Brussels and covent Garden and Manhattan , Chicago and Philadelphia

Joseph Valentin Duc

03 May 2018 272
As Hercule "Dejanire" Saint_Seans Joseph Valentin Duc 1858-1915 French Tenor Débute GUILLAUME TELL (Arnold) 1885. Paris Opera 1885, LA JUIVE (Eléazar) ; e1886, LES HUGUENOTS ( Raoul), LE CID (Rodrigue) ; 1888, ROBERT LE DIABLE (Robert) ; 1889, LE PROPHÈTE (Jean) ; 1890, AÏDA (Radamès), L’AFRICAINE (Vasco), SIGURD (Sigurd) ; 1891, LE MAGE (Zarâstra).Created PATRIE ! (Karloo).

Marie Wittich

03 May 2018 246
as Brunhilde "Die Walkure" Wagner Marie Wittich 1868-1931 German Soprano Studied singing in Würzburg with Frau Ober-Ubrich, debut in 1882 in Magdeburg as Azucena in Il trovatore and went on to sing in Basle, Düsseldorf, Dresden,In 1889, she became a permanent member of the Dresden Royal Opera (Hofoper) Her Roles included Lenore in Fidelio and Senta in The Flying Dutchman. While at Dresden, she also sang in several world premieres, including Penelope in August Bungert's Odysseus' Heimkehr (Odysseus' Return) (1896), Ulana in Paderewski's Manru (1901), and most famously the title role of Richard Strauss' Salome (1905).

1066 items in total