Walther Kirchoff & Martha Leffler-Burckhard

Opera's Golden Age In Postcards

Leonid Sobinov

31 Oct 2017 270
Leonid Sobinov 1872-1934 Russian Tenor Studied at Moscow Conservatory from 1892 with Alexander Dodonov and Alexandra Santagano Gorchakova.He appeared on stage with a travelling Italian opera troupe as Beppe in “I Pagliacci” by Leoncavallo and the steersman in ‘The Flying Dutchman” by Wagner . His official debut was as Sinodal in “The Demon” by Rubinstein in 1897 at the Bolshoi where remained for seven years before joining Mamontov’s Opera.In 1904 he sang Ernesto in ‘Don Pasquale” by Dinizetti at La Scala Milan,After 1907 he divided his perfamces between the Mariinsky and the Bolshoi . He also sang at monte Carlo , Warsaw , Helsinki,Berlin and Paris.His farewell was in 1933 at the Bolshoi he was at one time Director of the Bolshoi and later taught at Stanislvsky’s opera studio. His roles finn in “Ruslan and Ludmila” Glinka , Faust “Faust” Gounod Vladamir “ Prince Igor” Borodin , Lensky “Eugene Onegin” Tchaikovsky, Duke “Rigoletto” Verdi , Lohengrin “Lohengrin” Wagner , Walther “Tannhäuser” Wagner ,Solovey “Zabava Putyatishna” Ivanov and Janusz “Halka” Moniuszko

Leonid Sobinov

31 Oct 2017 237
Leonid Sobinov 1872-1934 Russian Tenor Studied at Moscow Conservatory from 1892 with Alexander Dodonov and Alexandra Santagano Gorchakova.He appeared on stage with a travelling Italian opera troupe as Beppe in “I Pagliacci” by Leoncavallo and the steersman in ‘The Flying Dutchman” by Wagner . His official debut was as Sinodal in “The Demon” by Rubinstein in 1897 at the Bolshoi where remained for seven years before joining Mamontov’s Opera.In 1904 he sang Ernesto in ‘Don Pasquale” by Dinizetti at La Scala Milan,After 1907 he divided his perfamces between the Mariinsky and the Bolshoi . He also sang at monte Carlo , Warsaw , Helsinki,Berlin and Paris.His farewell was in 1933 at the Bolshoi he was at one time Director of the Bolshoi and later taught at Stanislvsky’s opera studio. His roles finn in “Ruslan and Ludmila” Glinka , Faust “Faust” Gounod Vladamir “ Prince Igor” Borodin , Lensky “Eugene Onegin” Tchaikovsky, Duke “Rigoletto” Verdi , Lohengrin “Lohengrin” Wagner , Walther “Tannhäuser” Wagner ,Solovey “Zabava Putyatishna” Ivanov and Janusz “Halka” Moniuszko

Leonid Sobinov

31 Oct 2017 257
Leonid Sobinov 1872-1934 Russian Tenor Studied at Moscow Conservatory from 1892 with Alexander Dodonov and Alexandra Santagano Gorchakova.He appeared on stage with a travelling Italian opera troupe as Beppe in “I Pagliacci” by Leoncavallo and the steersman in ‘The Flying Dutchman” by Wagner . His official debut was as Sinodal in “The Demon” by Rubinstein in 1897 at the Bolshoi where remained for seven years before joining Mamontov’s Opera.In 1904 he sang Ernesto in ‘Don Pasquale” by Dinizetti at La Scala Milan,After 1907 he divided his perfamces between the Mariinsky and the Bolshoi . He also sang at monte Carlo , Warsaw , Helsinki,Berlin and Paris.His farewell was in 1933 at the Bolshoi he was at one time Director of the Bolshoi and later taught at Stanislvsky’s opera studio. His roles finn in “Ruslan and Ludmila” Glinka , Faust “Faust” Gounod Vladamir “ Prince Igor” Borodin , Lensky “Eugene Onegin” Tchaikovsky, Duke “Rigoletto” Verdi , Lohengrin “Lohengrin” Wagner , Walther “Tannhäuser” Wagner ,Solovey “Zabava Putyatishna” Ivanov and Janusz “Halka” Moniuszko

Feodor Chaliapin

31 Oct 2017 300
FEODOR IVANOVICH CHALIAPIN (February 13 ,1873 – April 12, 1938) Russian Bass Largely self-taught, he began his career at Tbilisi and the Imperial Opera, St. Petersburg in 1894. He was then invited to sing at the Mamontov Private Opera (1896–1899); his first role there was as Mephistopheles in Gounod's Faust, At Mamontov he also met Sergei Rachmaninoff, who was serving as an assistant conductor there and with whom he remained friends for life. Rachmaninoff taught him much about musicianship, including how to analyze a music score, and insisted that Chaliapin learn not only his own roles but also all the other roles in the operas in which he was slated to appear. With Rachmaninoff he learned the title role of Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov, which became his signature character , On the strength of his Mamontov appearances, the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow engaged Chaliapin, where he appeared regularly from 1899 until 1914. During the First World War, Chaliapin also appeared regularly at the Zimin Private Opera in Moscow. In addition, from 1901, Chaliapin began touring in the West, making a sensational debut at La Scala that year as the devil in a production of Boito's Mefistofele, under the baton of one of the 20th century's most dynamic opera conductors, Arturo Toscanini Chaliapin's last stage performance took place at the Monte Carlo Opera in 1937, as Boris. He died the following year of leukemia, aged 65, in Paris, where he was interred

Dmitri Smirnov

31 Oct 2017 240
Dmitri Smirnov 1882-1944 Russian Tenor Studied with Emiliya Pavlovskaya and Alexander Dodonov .Début in St Petersburg in 1903 as Gigi in “La Camorra” by Esposito .Became a member of the Bolshoi company in Moscow, in 1904 singing there until 1910. He then sang at the Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg, from 1911 to 1917. French début at the Paris Opéra in 1907. Invited to appear at the Metropolitan Opera, where he sang in 1911-12. In 1914, he performed in the "Russian Seasons" at London's Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. He would not sing in the United States again except for two performances of Tchaikovsky's The Queen of Spades with theWashington National Opera—a semi-professional company not related to its present namesake—in 1926.Left his native land after the Russian Revolution of 1917, preferring to continue his career in the West. Among the cities which he visited were Berlin, Monte Carlo, Milan, Rome, Madrid and Buenos Aires. Gave his last recitals during the 1930s. He taught singing in London and Athens and later retired to Riga

Reta Walter & Adolf Hesse

31 Oct 2017 455
Adolf Hesse (Karl August Hesse) ????-1906 RETA WALTER 1885?-1906 German soprano ‘PRIMA DONNA SHOT. ‘MURDERED BY DISCARDED LOVER ‘ASSASSIN’S SUICIDE. ‘From Berlin on the night of 5th October [1906] the corresponded of the Daily Mail [published in London] wrote:- ‘A few hours before she would have fallen upon the stage of the Opera Comique as Carmen, stabbed to death with the dagger of the jealous Don Jose, the young and beautiful prima donna Fraulein Rita Walter was last night murdered at her home by her discarded lover. Karl August Hesse, who then turned his weapon against himself and fell shot through the heart. ‘Hesse had waited all the afternoon at Fraulein Walter’s house, expecting to surprise her in the company of his rival, Senor Juan Raventos, a young Spanish tenor at the Opera Comique, for whom the prima donna had latterly shown a fondness, and to whom Hesse suspected that she was about to become engaged. ‘Only the fact that the Spaniard was lying in hospital saved his life, as letter left by Hesse indicate that he intended to kill him. Fraulein Walter’s mother was sitting in the adjoining room when her daughter was shot. ‘The singer was only twenty-one years of age, and of remarkable beauty and promising voice. She was the daughter of a well-to-do manufacturer, who died a few years ago. Hesse’s ambition was to be an operatic star himself, but he did not possess the required talent, and this made him exceedingly jealous of his fiancee’s success, as well as of her smiles upon other men. He had several times struck her in the midst of jealous fits. ‘Fraulein Walter attempted repeatedly to induce him to leave her and go his own way, but Hesse claimed to be madly in love with her and refused to be repulsed. The police found in his apartments to-day letters from his Spanish rival wherein the latter had rejected Hesse’s demand that he should break off his relationship with the prima donna. The murderer’s parent are wealthy residents of Hamburg.’ (The Grenfell Record and Lachlan District Advertiser, Grenvell, NSW, Australia, Saturday, 22 December 1906, p. 7g)

Alfred Von Bary

31 Oct 2017 269
Alfred Von Bary as Tristran 'Tristan & Isolde" Wagner ALFRED VON BARY 1873-1926 Tenor Studied singing with Richard Müller. He Debut at the Dresden Court Opera in 1903 as Lohengrin in Wagner’s ‘’Lohengrin’’ .Important wagnerian tenor sang at Bayreuth , Dresden , Munich , Berlin ,Stuttgart , Mannheim, Hamburg,f Frankfurt ,Cologne, Nuremberg and at the Viennese Volksoper .

Geraldine Farrar

31 Oct 2017 306
GERALDINE FARRAR 1882-1967 American Soprano Started her vocal lessons with Mrs. J. H. Long in Boston in 1894. The 12-year-old Farrar also studied operatic acting and deportment with Victor Capoul, By the time she was 13 Farrar was living in New York City and studying with Emma Thursby , she was in Paris from 1899 to 1900, stuying with Trabadelo, a Spanish vocal coach, she went to Berlin to study with Francesco Graziani, In 1900 Farrar auditioned and won a three-year contract with the Berlin Hofoper Making her debut as Marguerite in Faust in 1901,After her contract in Berlin was up, Farrar moved to the Monte Carlo Opera, where she sang from about 1904 to 1906, making her Monte Carlo debut in Puccini's La Bohéme alongside costar Enrico Caruso. In 1905, Farrar sang in the premiere of " Amica" by Mascagni. She also appeared in Paris, Munich, Warsaw, and Salzburg,While she lived in Europe, Farrar continued to study with Lilli Lehmann.On opening night of the 1906-1907 season at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City, Farrar made her debut with the company with which she would be associated for the rest of her career. In her debut, sher sang in "Roméo et Juliette" by Gounod. She appeared in the Met's first production of Puccini's Madama Butterfly, In 1910 at the world premiere of German composer Engelbert Humperdinck's " Köngiskinder" creating the role of the Goose Girl. In 1911, Farrar sang in the American premiere of Ariane et Barbe-bleue.Her final performance at the Met was in April 1922. She sang in Zazá by Leoncavallo

Geraldine Farrar

31 Oct 2017 279
GERALDINE FARRAR 1882-1967 American Soprano Started her vocal lessons with Mrs. J. H. Long in Boston in 1894. The 12-year-old Farrar also studied operatic acting and deportment with Victor Capoul, By the time she was 13 Farrar was living in New York City and studying with Emma Thursby , she was in Paris from 1899 to 1900, stuying with Trabadelo, a Spanish vocal coach, she went to Berlin to study with Francesco Graziani, In 1900 Farrar auditioned and won a three-year contract with the Berlin Hofoper Making her debut as Marguerite in Faust in 1901,After her contract in Berlin was up, Farrar moved to the Monte Carlo Opera, where she sang from about 1904 to 1906, making her Monte Carlo debut in Puccini's La Bohéme alongside costar Enrico Caruso. In 1905, Farrar sang in the premiere of " Amica" by Mascagni. She also appeared in Paris, Munich, Warsaw, and Salzburg,While she lived in Europe, Farrar continued to study with Lilli Lehmann.On opening night of the 1906-1907 season at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City, Farrar made her debut with the company with which she would be associated for the rest of her career. In her debut, sher sang in "Roméo et Juliette" by Gounod. She appeared in the Met's first production of Puccini's Madama Butterfly, In 1910 at the world premiere of German composer Engelbert Humperdinck's " Köngiskinder" creating the role of the Goose Girl. In 1911, Farrar sang in the American premiere of Ariane et Barbe-bleue.Her final performance at the Met was in April 1922. She sang in Zazá by Leoncavallo

Geraldine Farrar

31 Oct 2017 383
GERALDINE FARRAR 1882-1967 American Soprano Started her vocal lessons with Mrs. J. H. Long in Boston in 1894. The 12-year-old Farrar also studied operatic acting and deportment with Victor Capoul, By the time she was 13 Farrar was living in New York City and studying with Emma Thursby , she was in Paris from 1899 to 1900, stuying with Trabadelo, a Spanish vocal coach, she went to Berlin to study with Francesco Graziani, In 1900 Farrar auditioned and won a three-year contract with the Berlin Hofoper Making her debut as Marguerite in Faust in 1901,After her contract in Berlin was up, Farrar moved to the Monte Carlo Opera, where she sang from about 1904 to 1906, making her Monte Carlo debut in Puccini's La Bohéme alongside costar Enrico Caruso. In 1905, Farrar sang in the premiere of " Amica" by Mascagni. She also appeared in Paris, Munich, Warsaw, and Salzburg,While she lived in Europe, Farrar continued to study with Lilli Lehmann.On opening night of the 1906-1907 season at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City, Farrar made her debut with the company with which she would be associated for the rest of her career. In her debut, sher sang in "Roméo et Juliette" by Gounod. She appeared in the Met's first production of Puccini's Madama Butterfly, In 1910 at the world premiere of German composer Engelbert Humperdinck's " Köngiskinder" creating the role of the Goose Girl. In 1911, Farrar sang in the American premiere of Ariane et Barbe-bleue.Her final performance at the Met was in April 1922. She sang in Zazá by Leoncavallo

Geraldine Farrar

31 Oct 2017 416
GERALDINE FARRAR 1882-1967 American Soprano Started her vocal lessons with Mrs. J. H. Long in Boston in 1894. The 12-year-old Farrar also studied operatic acting and deportment with Victor Capoul, By the time she was 13 Farrar was living in New York City and studying with Emma Thursby , she was in Paris from 1899 to 1900, stuying with Trabadelo, a Spanish vocal coach, she went to Berlin to study with Francesco Graziani, In 1900 Farrar auditioned and won a three-year contract with the Berlin Hofoper Making her debut as Marguerite in Faust in 1901,After her contract in Berlin was up, Farrar moved to the Monte Carlo Opera, where she sang from about 1904 to 1906, making her Monte Carlo debut in Puccini's La Bohéme alongside costar Enrico Caruso. In 1905, Farrar sang in the premiere of " Amica" by Mascagni. She also appeared in Paris, Munich, Warsaw, and Salzburg,While she lived in Europe, Farrar continued to study with Lilli Lehmann.On opening night of the 1906-1907 season at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City, Farrar made her debut with the company with which she would be associated for the rest of her career. In her debut, sher sang in "Roméo et Juliette" by Gounod. She appeared in the Met's first production of Puccini's Madama Butterfly, In 1910 at the world premiere of German composer Engelbert Humperdinck's " Köngiskinder" creating the role of the Goose Girl. In 1911, Farrar sang in the American premiere of Ariane et Barbe-bleue.Her final performance at the Met was in April 1922. She sang in Zazá by Leoncavallo

Charles Santley

31 Oct 2017 319
CHARLES SANTLEY British Baritone (28 February 1834 – 22 September 1922) was an English-born opera and oratorio . He was a Choirboy and then appeared as an amateur singer, but finally decided to train his voice. He graduated in 1855, first at Gaetano Nava in Milan, then in Manuel Garcia in London. In 1857 he was heard in London for the first time as a soloist in the "creation" of J.Haydn. He debuted on stage in 1857 at the Municipal Theatre of Pavia as Dr. Grenvil in "La Traviata". Guest performances at leading theaters in Italy, England and France brachtem his first successes. He appeared especially at the Grand Opera of Paris and London at the Covent Garden Opera. He appeared in 1859 as Hoël in the English premiere of the opera "Dinorah" by Meyerbeer (with Mme Miolan-Carvalho as a partner), on 23.02.1860 in the world premiere of the opera "Lurline" by Vincent Wallace, on 11/30/1861 in the of "The Puritan's Daughter" by Michael Balfe, on 08/02/1862 in "The Lily of Killarney" by Julius Benedict (in the role of Danny Man). In 1863 he sang at Her Majesty's Theatre in London in the British premiere of Gounod's "Faust" in the presence of the composer Valentin. After this performance, Gounod composed for him the prayer of Valentin "Avant de quitter ces lieux" that is not found in the original score of the opera and is still not sung in Paris. In 1864 he participated in the British premieres of the operas "Mireille" by Gounod and "The Merry Weibner of Windsor" by Nicolai (in Italian) at the same theater. In 1870 he sang at Drury Lane Theatre in London, the title character in the British premiere of Wagner's "Flying Dutchman" (also still in Italian). In the years 1871 and 1891 he undertook glorious North American tours. In the 1875-76 season he was heard at the Carl Rosa Opera Company. He also made guest appearances at La Scala and the Teatro Liceo Barcelona. Until 1900, he regularly appeared on the stage, but gave up after that concert. He was considered the most significant English oratorio singers of his generation; his interpretation of the title role in "Elijah" by Mendelssohn was classified as completely incomparable. Since 1858 he sang at the Leeds Festival, since 1861 the Birmingham Festival, from 1863 to 1906 at each Three Choirs Festival, since 1862 also in the Handel Festival in London. In 1890 he toured Australia and New Zealand, 1893 and 1903, South Africa. In 1907, he was (to his 50th jubilee singers) knighted by King Edward VII. Than "Sir Charles Santley". In 1911 he was at the Covent Garden Opera London his farewell performance in "The Waterman" of Dibdin. He has some autobiographical writings written (Student and Singer, London 1892; Reminiscence of My Life, London, 1909) .Other Lit .: J.Mewburn Levien: "Sir Charles Santley" (London, 1930) .His daughter Edith Santley (* 1860) began a very successful career as a concert singer (soprano), but they completely aufgab.Sowohl was in opera as in concert singing his voice awarded after her marriage in 1884 by their consummate vocal technique as their high musicality; his best roles on the stage were the Don Giovanni and Valentin in "Faust

Charles Santley

31 Oct 2017 249
CHARLES SANTLEY British Baritone (28 February 1834 – 22 September 1922) was an English-born opera and oratorio . He was a Choirboy and then appeared as an amateur singer, but finally decided to train his voice. He graduated in 1855, first at Gaetano Nava in Milan, then in Manuel Garcia in London. In 1857 he was heard in London for the first time as a soloist in the "creation" of J.Haydn. He debuted on stage in 1857 at the Municipal Theatre of Pavia as Dr. Grenvil in "La Traviata". Guest performances at leading theaters in Italy, England and France brachtem his first successes. He appeared especially at the Grand Opera of Paris and London at the Covent Garden Opera. He appeared in 1859 as Hoël in the English premiere of the opera "Dinorah" by Meyerbeer (with Mme Miolan-Carvalho as a partner), on 23.02.1860 in the world premiere of the opera "Lurline" by Vincent Wallace, on 11/30/1861 in the of "The Puritan's Daughter" by Michael Balfe, on 08/02/1862 in "The Lily of Killarney" by Julius Benedict (in the role of Danny Man). In 1863 he sang at Her Majesty's Theatre in London in the British premiere of Gounod's "Faust" in the presence of the composer Valentin. After this performance, Gounod composed for him the prayer of Valentin "Avant de quitter ces lieux" that is not found in the original score of the opera and is still not sung in Paris. In 1864 he participated in the British premieres of the operas "Mireille" by Gounod and "The Merry Weibner of Windsor" by Nicolai (in Italian) at the same theater. In 1870 he sang at Drury Lane Theatre in London, the title character in the British premiere of Wagner's "Flying Dutchman" (also still in Italian). In the years 1871 and 1891 he undertook glorious North American tours. In the 1875-76 season he was heard at the Carl Rosa Opera Company. He also made guest appearances at La Scala and the Teatro Liceo Barcelona. Until 1900, he regularly appeared on the stage, but gave up after that concert. He was considered the most significant English oratorio singers of his generation; his interpretation of the title role in "Elijah" by Mendelssohn was classified as completely incomparable. Since 1858 he sang at the Leeds Festival, since 1861 the Birmingham Festival, from 1863 to 1906 at each Three Choirs Festival, since 1862 also in the Handel Festival in London. In 1890 he toured Australia and New Zealand, 1893 and 1903, South Africa. In 1907, he was (to his 50th jubilee singers) knighted by King Edward VII. Than "Sir Charles Santley". In 1911 he was at the Covent Garden Opera London his farewell performance in "The Waterman" of Dibdin. He has some autobiographical writings written (Student and Singer, London 1892; Reminiscence of My Life, London, 1909) .Other Lit .: J.Mewburn Levien: "Sir Charles Santley" (London, 1930) .His daughter Edith Santley (* 1860) began a very successful career as a concert singer (soprano), but they completely aufgab.Sowohl was in opera as in concert singing his voice awarded after her marriage in 1884 by their consummate vocal technique as their high musicality; his best roles on the stage were the Don Giovanni and Valentin in "Faust

Charles Santley

31 Oct 2017 233
CHARLES SANTLEY British Baritone (28 February 1834 – 22 September 1922) was an English-born opera and oratorio . He was a Choirboy and then appeared as an amateur singer, but finally decided to train his voice. He graduated in 1855, first at Gaetano Nava in Milan, then in Manuel Garcia in London. In 1857 he was heard in London for the first time as a soloist in the "creation" of J.Haydn. He debuted on stage in 1857 at the Municipal Theatre of Pavia as Dr. Grenvil in "La Traviata". Guest performances at leading theaters in Italy, England and France brachtem his first successes. He appeared especially at the Grand Opera of Paris and London at the Covent Garden Opera. He appeared in 1859 as Hoël in the English premiere of the opera "Dinorah" by Meyerbeer (with Mme Miolan-Carvalho as a partner), on 23.02.1860 in the world premiere of the opera "Lurline" by Vincent Wallace, on 11/30/1861 in the of "The Puritan's Daughter" by Michael Balfe, on 08/02/1862 in "The Lily of Killarney" by Julius Benedict (in the role of Danny Man). In 1863 he sang at Her Majesty's Theatre in London in the British premiere of Gounod's "Faust" in the presence of the composer Valentin. After this performance, Gounod composed for him the prayer of Valentin "Avant de quitter ces lieux" that is not found in the original score of the opera and is still not sung in Paris. In 1864 he participated in the British premieres of the operas "Mireille" by Gounod and "The Merry Weibner of Windsor" by Nicolai (in Italian) at the same theater. In 1870 he sang at Drury Lane Theatre in London, the title character in the British premiere of Wagner's "Flying Dutchman" (also still in Italian). In the years 1871 and 1891 he undertook glorious North American tours. In the 1875-76 season he was heard at the Carl Rosa Opera Company. He also made guest appearances at La Scala and the Teatro Liceo Barcelona. Until 1900, he regularly appeared on the stage, but gave up after that concert. He was considered the most significant English oratorio singers of his generation; his interpretation of the title role in "Elijah" by Mendelssohn was classified as completely incomparable. Since 1858 he sang at the Leeds Festival, since 1861 the Birmingham Festival, from 1863 to 1906 at each Three Choirs Festival, since 1862 also in the Handel Festival in London. In 1890 he toured Australia and New Zealand, 1893 and 1903, South Africa. In 1907, he was (to his 50th jubilee singers) knighted by King Edward VII. Than "Sir Charles Santley". In 1911 he was at the Covent Garden Opera London his farewell performance in "The Waterman" of Dibdin. He has some autobiographical writings written (Student and Singer, London 1892; Reminiscence of My Life, London, 1909) .Other Lit .: J.Mewburn Levien: "Sir Charles Santley" (London, 1930) .His daughter Edith Santley (* 1860) began a very successful career as a concert singer (soprano), but they completely aufgab.Sowohl was in opera as in concert singing his voice awarded after her marriage in 1884 by their consummate vocal technique as their high musicality; his best roles on the stage were the Don Giovanni and Valentin in "Faust

Charles Santley

31 Oct 2017 217
CHARLES SANTLEY British Baritone (28 February 1834 – 22 September 1922) was an English-born opera and oratorio . He was a Choirboy and then appeared as an amateur singer, but finally decided to train his voice. He graduated in 1855, first at Gaetano Nava in Milan, then in Manuel Garcia in London. In 1857 he was heard in London for the first time as a soloist in the "creation" of J.Haydn. He debuted on stage in 1857 at the Municipal Theatre of Pavia as Dr. Grenvil in "La Traviata". Guest performances at leading theaters in Italy, England and France brachtem his first successes. He appeared especially at the Grand Opera of Paris and London at the Covent Garden Opera. He appeared in 1859 as Hoël in the English premiere of the opera "Dinorah" by Meyerbeer (with Mme Miolan-Carvalho as a partner), on 23.02.1860 in the world premiere of the opera "Lurline" by Vincent Wallace, on 11/30/1861 in the of "The Puritan's Daughter" by Michael Balfe, on 08/02/1862 in "The Lily of Killarney" by Julius Benedict (in the role of Danny Man). In 1863 he sang at Her Majesty's Theatre in London in the British premiere of Gounod's "Faust" in the presence of the composer Valentin. After this performance, Gounod composed for him the prayer of Valentin "Avant de quitter ces lieux" that is not found in the original score of the opera and is still not sung in Paris. In 1864 he participated in the British premieres of the operas "Mireille" by Gounod and "The Merry Weibner of Windsor" by Nicolai (in Italian) at the same theater. In 1870 he sang at Drury Lane Theatre in London, the title character in the British premiere of Wagner's "Flying Dutchman" (also still in Italian). In the years 1871 and 1891 he undertook glorious North American tours. In the 1875-76 season he was heard at the Carl Rosa Opera Company. He also made guest appearances at La Scala and the Teatro Liceo Barcelona. Until 1900, he regularly appeared on the stage, but gave up after that concert. He was considered the most significant English oratorio singers of his generation; his interpretation of the title role in "Elijah" by Mendelssohn was classified as completely incomparable. Since 1858 he sang at the Leeds Festival, since 1861 the Birmingham Festival, from 1863 to 1906 at each Three Choirs Festival, since 1862 also in the Handel Festival in London. In 1890 he toured Australia and New Zealand, 1893 and 1903, South Africa. In 1907, he was (to his 50th jubilee singers) knighted by King Edward VII. Than "Sir Charles Santley". In 1911 he was at the Covent Garden Opera London his farewell performance in "The Waterman" of Dibdin. He has some autobiographical writings written (Student and Singer, London 1892; Reminiscence of My Life, London, 1909) .Other Lit .: J.Mewburn Levien: "Sir Charles Santley" (London, 1930) .His daughter Edith Santley (* 1860) began a very successful career as a concert singer (soprano), but they completely aufgab.Sowohl was in opera as in concert singing his voice awarded after her marriage in 1884 by their consummate vocal technique as their high musicality; his best roles on the stage were the Don Giovanni and Valentin in "Faust

Ben Davies

31 Oct 2017 194
Ben Davies 1858-1943 Welsh Tenor Studied at Royal Academy of Music with Alberto Randegger and Signor Fiori.Debut 1881 as Thaddeus in “The Bohemian Girlf” by Balfe .Created Gringaire in “Esmerelda” by Goring-Thomas at Drury lane 1883 ,Martin Bolder in “”Doris” by Cellier and Ralph Rodney in “The Red Hussar” by Solomon 1889 , Ivanhoe in “Ivanhoe” by Sullivan in 1891 at the Palace theatre. .He appeared in the Premiere of “Signa” by Cowan.He made a Covent Garden debut as Faust in “Faust” by Gounod in 1892 .After 1893 his career moved largely into the concert platform .He sang oratorio at Music Festivals around Britain and made tours of Australia and USA.

Ben Davies

31 Oct 2017 211
Ben Davies 1858-1943 Welsh Tenor Studied at Royal Academy of Music with Alberto Randegger and Signor Fiori.Debut 1881 as Thaddeus in “The Bohemian Girlf” by Balfe .Created Gringaire in “Esmerelda” by Goring-Thomas at Drury lane 1883 ,Martin Bolder in “”Doris” by Cellier and Ralph Rodney in “The Red Hussar” by Solomon 1889 , Ivanhoe in “Ivanhoe” by Sullivan in 1891 at the Palace theatre. .He appeared in the Premiere of “Signa” by Cowan.He made a Covent Garden debut as Faust in “Faust” by Gounod in 1892 .After 1893 his career moved largely into the concert platform .He sang oratorio at Music Festivals around Britain and made tours of Australia and USA.

Ben Davies

31 Oct 2017 246
Ben Davies 1858-1943 Welsh Tenor Studied at Royal Academy of Music with Alberto Randegger and Signor Fiori.Debut 1881 as Thaddeus in “The Bohemian Girlf” by Balfe .Created Gringaire in “Esmerelda” by Goring-Thomas at Drury lane 1883 ,Martin Bolder in “”Doris” by Cellier and Ralph Rodney in “The Red Hussar” by Solomon 1889 , Ivanhoe in “Ivanhoe” by Sullivan in 1891 at the Palace theatre. .He appeared in the Premiere of “Signa” by Cowan.He made a Covent Garden debut as Faust in “Faust” by Gounod in 1892 .After 1893 his career moved largely into the concert platform .He sang oratorio at Music Festivals around Britain and made tours of Australia and USA.

1066 items in total