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  Shooting date  /  2014  /  March  /  7   -   22 photos

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  • Different ways to reach the top ... going straight and faster or slower and mirthfully jumping
  • Saint Sebastian' Church
  • Typical houses, Ponta Delgada
  • When you move like a jellyfish...You go with the flow...
  • The City Gates of Ponta Delgada welcome those arriving on the island.
  • Typical urban facade
  • Street Life
  • Let yourself be fascinated…
  • Beyond the Curve of the Road...Ponta Delgada is waiting for you
  • Dairy cows are everywhere and they are a characteristic of rural areas
  • It's not a goodbye to S. Miguel, it's a see you later
  • Tea plantations
  • The harvest of tea
  • A typical village of inland
  • Reliefs with exuberant vegetation and carefully cultivated fields
  • The Pico do Ferro, surrounded by exuberant vegetation, offers a  view over the lake within the crater of extinct volcano
  • Going inland
  • Ferrous hot water stream, thermal waters
  • After a relaxing bath
  • Exuberant and great variety of exotic vegetation
  • The dish will be cooked during  for 5 to 6 hours
  • The food is ready and plentiful, then...