On wall of stairway.

Covilhã street art

On wall of stairway.

07 Dec 2015 1 294
At Comendador Campos de Melo Street, Covilhã.

Covil(hã) das luvas brancas.

07 Dec 2015 1 2 352
Lair of the white gloves. Playing with the words "covil" (=lair) and Covilhã. Spotted at Comendador Campos de Melo Street, Covilhã.

Intervention of Addfuel.

07 Dec 2015 1 2 245
At December 1st Street, Covilhã.

Woolfest mural.

07 Dec 2015 3 5 509
At Jornal da Covilhã Street, Covilhã.

Alone we go fast; together we go far. When I grow…

07 Dec 2015 1 2 358
Spotted at Castle Street, Covilhã.

I lost the yarn of skein (= I lost my train of tho…

07 Dec 2015 5 3 419
A reference to the wool industry of Covilhã. Spotted at Castle Street.

Btoy painting on small door.

07 Dec 2015 4 1 326
At Travessa do Castelo, Covilhã.

Warping mural.

07 Dec 2015 4 1 337
At Holy Mary Travessa, corner with Jornal da Covilhã Street, Covilhã.

Fairy and witch - stencil by Luísa Cortesão.

07 Dec 2015 7 1 402
A tribute to Luísa Cortesão, a former endocrinologist who discovered the thrill of street art after retired, also Ipernity member *L, unfortunately deceased one month ago. Spotted at Rua do Peixe (Fish Street), Covilhã.

Fairies, by Luísa Cortesão.

08 Dec 2015 5 1 290
A tribute to Luísa Cortesão, a former endocrinologist who discovered the thrill of street art after retired, also Ipernity member *L, unfortunately deceased one month ago. Spotted at Dr. Valério de Morais Square, Covilhã.

Fairy, by Luísa Cortesão.

08 Dec 2015 4 1 255
A tribute to Luísa Cortesão, a former endocrinologist who discovered the thrill of street art after retired, also Ipernity member *L, unfortunately deceased one month ago. Spotted at Dr. Valério de Morais Square, Covilhã.

Witch, by Luísa Cortesão.

08 Dec 2015 6 4 346
A tribute to Luísa Cortesão, a former endocrinologist who discovered the thrill of street art after retired, also Ipernity member *L, unfortunately deceased one month ago. Spotted at Rua das Portas do Sol (Sun Gates Street), Covilhã.

Owl, by Bordalo II.

07 Dec 2015 4 2 421
Achieved by assembling pieces of junk and scrap and cars' components, inserted on the wall and painted. Spotted at Alexandre Herculano Street, Covilhã.

Woolfest mural.

08 Dec 2015 1 1 365
At Lord of Patience Street, Covilhã.

Wall painting.

08 Dec 2015 294
At Lord of Patience Street, Covilhã.

Sheep and chicks downstairs.

08 Dec 2015 2 296
Spotted at Boavista Stairway, Covilhã.

Politicians are the poets of expenses.

08 Dec 2015 1 1 364
"Politicians" replaced "ballet dancers" and "expenses" replaced "gesture" ("e" upside down turned into "a") in G. Balanchine quote. Written on blank white tiles, at Dr. Valério de Morais Square, Covilhã.

Stencil with statement.

08 Dec 2015 4 2 351
At Barbican Street, Covilhã.

41 items in total