Intervention on wall of former canned fish factory.

Lagos street art

Intervention on wall of former canned fish factory…

19 Aug 2015 4 1 344
On the roadside of EN-125, as this road goes through Lagos.

Intervention on wall of former canned fish factory…

19 Aug 2015 2 1 359
On the roadside of EN-125, as this road goes through Lagos.

Intervention on wall of former canned fish factory…

19 Aug 2015 5 1 355
On the roadside of EN-125, as this road goes through Lagos.

Intervention on wall of former canned fish factory…

19 Aug 2015 2 380
On the roadside of EN-125, as this road goes through Lagos.

Dollar bill.

19 Aug 2015 8 2 417
On wall of former canned fish factory, seen from the sidewalk of EN-125, Lagos.

Dressed up tree.

19 Aug 2015 4 2 207
Near the Post Office, at Gate of Portugal Street, Lagos.

What is the truth?

19 Aug 2015 3 2 284
Painted on walled window of abandoned house, at Cemetery Transverse Street, Lagos.

Painted on wall and door.

19 Aug 2015 3 1 217
At Dom Vasco da Gama Street, Lagos.

Painted on electricity box.

19 Aug 2015 1 2 237
At Gate of Portugal Square, Lagos.

Mural of LAC - Laboratório de Actividades Criativa…

19 Aug 2015 5 1 320
At José Ventura Neto Cabrita Street, Lagos.

Boat painted by Pantónio.

19 Aug 2015 2 1 282
In the front yard of LAC (Laboratório de Actividades Criativas), in a former jail, at Convent of Our Lady of Glory Square, Lagos.

A new approach to the legend of Fátima.

19 Aug 2015 1 1 370
Spotted at the entrance of LAC (Laboratório de Actividades Criativas), in a former jail, at Our Lady of Glory Convent Square, Lagos.

On inside wall of a former jail.

19 Aug 2015 2 1 288
Inside LAC (Laboratório de Actividades Criativas), at Our Lady of Glory Convent Square, Lagos.

Destroyed cage.

19 Aug 2015 7 3 402
On inside wall of former jail, now LAC (Laboratório de Actividades Criativas), at Our Lady of Glory Convent Square, Lagos.

Playing with words.

19 Aug 2015 2 1 345
"Estalo novo" means "new slap". "Estado Novo" means "New State" and was officially applied to the political regime during dictatorship. Spotted at LAC (Laboratório de Actividades Criativas), in a former jail, at Our Lady of Glory Convent Square, Lagos.

Spotted on the ceiling of former jail WC.

19 Aug 2015 3 2 360
Intervention by LAC (Laboratório de Actividades Criativas), in its own installation, at Our Lady of Glory Convent Square, Lagos.

Spotted in urinal of former jail.

19 Aug 2015 4 2 362
In LAC (Laboratório de Actividades Criativas) installations, at Our Lady of Glory Convent Square, Lagos.

On inside wall of former jail.

19 Aug 2015 3 1 337
A place run by LAC (Laboratório de Actividades Criativas), at Our Lady of Glory Convent Square, Lagos.

42 items in total