Gate of the outdoor market.


Gate of the outdoor market.

17 May 2013 4 2 465
Market within Mértola's Islamic Festival, every 2 years, in some weekend of May.

Teas in display.

17 May 2013 4 6 520
Merchant of teas in the weekend souk of Mértola's Islamic Festival.

Moorish tent in Mértola.

17 May 2013 3 2 485
Moorish tent and statue of Ibn-Qasi - ruler of Mértola in the 12th century.

Singing and dancing from Morocco in Mértola.

17 May 2013 4 2 537
In Mértola's Islamic Festival: Moroccan performance in the weekend souk.

Moroccan singing and dancing in Mértola's streets.

18 May 2013 4 2 502
Moroccan performance in the street, within Mértola's Islamic Festival.

Merchants' display in Mértola's historic centre.

18 May 2013 4 3 527
Weekend souk in Mértola's Islamic Festival.

Swallows' nests.

18 May 2013 1 1 323
Under a balcony, at Mértola.

Old bedroom.

18 May 2013 5 5 467
At Mértola's Ethnological Museum.

Old bedroom corner.

18 May 2013 2 5 511
At Mértola's Ethnological Museum.

Oven in a kitchen's corner.

18 May 2013 4 4 451
Displayed in Mértola's Ethnological Museum.

Table set in the kitchen.

18 May 2013 5 2 488
At Mértola's Ethnological Museum.

Old kitchenware.

18 May 2013 3 3 455
At Mértola's Ethnological Museum.

Roman Observation Tower - Mértola

18 May 2013 4 1 466
This Roman tower was built to allow the control of traffic on Guadiana River.

Ancient urinal.

18 May 2013 7 4 1726
Located in slope between Guadiana River bank and a gate of Mértola walls.

Mértola historical centre.

18 May 2013 3 2 375
Largo da Alcachofra (Artichoke Place).

Islet on Guadiana River.

17 May 2013 8 5 543
Zoom view from Mértola. HFW!


18 May 2013 10 8 578
Guadiana River - Mértola. HFW!

Beholding Mértola.

03 Apr 2015 7 3 490
View from the Chapel of Our Lady of Snow: cemetery, castle, church and bridge over Oeiras River, before its confluence on Guadiana River, still visible on the background. HFW!

52 items in total