Saint John's Baptistery (1152).


Saint John's Baptistery (1152).

08 Dec 2019 10 4 207
It is located at Campo dei Miracoli - the monumental area of Piazza del Duomo, Pisa, that became UNESCO heritage in 1987.

Pisa Cathedral (1092).

08 Dec 2019 11 6 200
It is located at Campo dei Miracoli - the monumental area of Piazza del Duomo, Pisa, that became UNESCO heritage in 1987.

Synopias Museum (13th century).

08 Dec 2019 9 4 258
Located at Piazza del Duomo, Pisa, this building was conceived by Giovanni di Simone as a shelter for pilgrims. Today it houses the Synopias Museum, displaying the sketch drawings that prepared the achievement of frescoes.

Pisa Cathedral and its leaning belfry.

08 Dec 2019 18 14 255
At Campo dei Miracoli - the monumental area of Piazza del Duomo, Pisa, that became UNESCO heritage in 1987.

Fallen Angel, by Igor Mitoraj.

08 Dec 2019 11 3 203
On Campo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo, Pisa.

Capitoline wolf with Remus and Romulus.

08 Dec 2019 10 6 217
On top of pedestal at Campo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo, Pisa.

Door details.

08 Dec 2019 9 2 139
This is the left secondary door of Pisa Cathedral's façade, at Campo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo.

Main door of Pisa Cathedral.

08 Dec 2019 10 3 178
At Campo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo.

Baptistery's pulpit.

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Inside the 1152 building at Campo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo, Pisa.

Pisa Cathedral.

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Viewed from the upper gallery of the Baptistery, at Campo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo.

Inside Pisa Baptistery.

08 Dec 2019 13 1 177
Overview from the upper gallery. This high building stands on Capo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo.

Campo Santo - inner yard.

08 Dec 2019 15 3 244
Campo Santo is a Monumental Cemetery with soil that was brought from Palestine. It fits in the classified UNESCO heritage, at Campo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo, Pisa.

Fresco of Hell.

08 Dec 2019 8 3 166
On wall of the cloister of Campo Santo, at Campo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo, Pisa.


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Displayed in the eastern wall of the cloister of Campo Santo, at Campo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo, Pisa.

Chains of the Port of Pisa (1362).

08 Dec 2019 10 4 212
Displayed on the western wall of the cloister of Campo Santo, at Campo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo, Pisa.

Monumental tomb.

08 Dec 2019 16 7 196
This is the tomb of Ligo Ammannati, doctor and philosopher of Pisa, and it can be seen in Campo Santo, at Campo dei Miracoli, Piazza del Duomo, Pisa.

Saint Rainier's door.

08 Dec 2019 7 3 165
Achieved in 1180 by Bonanno Pisano, it used to stand in a transept of Pisa Cathedral. Now it is displayed in the Museum of the Cathedral's Works, at Piazza Arcivescovado (Archbishopric Square), Pisa.

David with harp (3rd quarter of 12th century).

08 Dec 2019 5 1 165
Displayed inside the Museum of the Cathedral Works, at Piazza Arcivescovado, Pisa.

111 items in total